Books on Shelves

Welcome Wildcats!

In the Douglas Library Media Center, we create and foster an environment of inquiry, innovation and discovery. We do this by promoting a strong focus on meeting the literacy needs for all levels of readers, library lessons on how to independently and successfully access information and through collaborations with the campus instructional staff.

Our Library Media Center Focus includes:

Headstart, PreK/K - "Welcome to the Library" (Weekly Storytime and Interactive/Responsive Play)

1st - "What is a Library?" (Library Organization: How to Take Care Of, Check-in/Check-out Books)

2nd - "Using the Library" (Selecting Books: Genres and Interests)

3rd/4th - "Accessing Information" (Online Searching: Destiny Quest)

5th - "Accessing, Processing and Securing Information" (Online Digital Search Engines, Information Authenticity and Protection)

Mission: The mission of the Douglas Elementary Library Media Center is to incorporate the elements of a future ready library that encourages and supports 21st Century Skills that connects knowledge and learning to the world around them.


Digital Resources

Want to learn more about a subject or topic? Click on the picture to access our online catalog. Be sure to check your spelling.

Douglas Library

Books on Shelves