Join us next week as we strive to remain drug free!

Join us as we stand up against drug use by celebrating Red Ribbon Week again this year.

Students who were recently accepted to ECHS Academic Honor Societies and the National Honor Society will be inducted Thursday. Students need to be at Tyler High Theater by 5:30. The ceremony will begin promptly at 6:00.
All candidates for induction are expected to attend this special ceremony. Parents, please ask your students about this. There will be a reception afterwards in the foyer.

Don't forget, M/W TJC students DO go to TJC tomorrow! Check in with Creel and Trotter as well! No TISD transportation!

ECHS will be testing Tuesday (10/17) & Wednesday (10/18) next week.
Students can find their testing room on the posted list in the cafeteria, breezeway doors, or outside the 200 hall. Non-testing students will also have room assignments.
Testing will happen from 8-11:30 AM each day.
***Seniors do not need to report to campus until 12:25 PM for class at 12:30 PM***
TJC 11th & 12th graders still go to TJC on their TJC days. 11th graders will test on their ECHS day.
Tuesday - 9th graders and MW 11th graders are testing, along with 11 - 10th graders who have math at TJC on MW. Non-testing 10th graders will be in classrooms to study/work on school work.
Wednesday - 10th graders and TR 11th graders are testing. Non-testing 9th graders will be in classrooms to study/work on school work.
8:00 AM - arrive to testing room or classroom for non-testers
8:30 AM - testing begins
11:30 AM - testing concludes and students released from rooms for LUNCH
12:25 PM - LUNCH ends
12:30 PM - Tuesday 5th period / Wednesday 1st period
1:20 PM - Tuesday 6th period / Wednesday 2nd period
2:10 PM - Tuesday 7th period / Wednesday 3rd period
3:00 PM - Tuesday 8th period / Wednesday 4th period3
3:45 PM - Dismissal

Another reminder!!!
NO ECHS classes Monday; however, M?W TJC students MUST ATTEND THEIR CLASSES AT TJC AND CHECK IN WITH YOUR AVID TEACHER! There will be no transportation, so please make sure you find your own. Thanks!

Parents, families, and educators, we must educate kids on the risks of fake prescription pills. Many may not be aware these pills are laced with fentanyl, a powerful opioid that can be deadly in small amounts.
Awareness saves lives. Learn more: https://www.tylerisd.org/fentanyl
#FentanylAwarenessMonth #OnePillKills #SafeTylerISD

Please join us to celebrate the hard work of our students!

Don't miss this yearly ECHS event!

Early College D & D Club with Dungeon Master Ruelle. π¦ #DungeonsAndDragons

Early College High School students receiving advice for the upcoming Stock Market Challenge from Stockbroker, Johnna Fullen from Merril Lynch. Thanks to Mrs. Tucker for setting this up and her Economics class students for asking great questions and being attentive during the session. π¦ #1inEastTX

Early College High School students receiving advice for the upcoming Stock Market Challenge from Stockbroker, Johnna Fullen from Merril Lynch. Thanks to Mrs. Tucker for setting this up and her Economics class students for asking great questions and being attentive during the session. π¦ #1inEastTX

Hey Owls! For all those interested in attending UT Tyler, Patriot Premiere is coming up on Saturday, November 4th. Register with this link.

Congratulations to all of the following students for being inducted into one or more of the following honor societies: National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta (National Math Honor Society), Science Honor Society and/or Rho Kappa (National Social Studies Honor Society).
Parents and family are invited to attend the induction ceremony at Tyler High in the theater October 19, 2023. The ceremony begins promptly at 6 pm.
Students being recognized:
Jocelin Aguillon, Almuntasir Al-Manaseer, Fatima Ali,
Allie Allen, Jovani Alvarez Mora, Alexa Anderson,
Marlenee Arriaga, Zoey Ashley, Tatiana Barrios,
Oscar Barroso, Lillian Bauer, Marina Bernal,
Mattea Blas, Maurice Boozer, Shyllo Brewer,
Elisha Camp, Mireya Cardenas, Idalhy Castillo,
Harrison Coville, Eli Custer, Miunna Davis,
Irving Degollado Elizalde, Grace Delgado Banda,
Kryszaina Maurice Donayre, Lesly Elorza,
Catie Espiricueta, Daysel Espiricueta, Willow Evans,
Vanessa Fernandez, Avah Flewelling, Angelo Flores,
Elizabeth Galindez, Pedro Gallardo, Angel Gamez,
Jonathan Gamez Munoz, Deysi Gaona, Mia Jessalynn Gaona,
Daira Gauna, Ray Merrill Gibson, Mari Gonzalez,
Zariya Green, April Gutierrez, Linnieisheavia Hampton,
Avery Henderson, Juanita de Jesus Guadalupe Hernandez,
Nathaniel Hill, Anna Hortman, Braden Huey,
Maham Hussain, Lezlie Ibarra, Ashley Johnson,
Keiyia Johnson, Molly Johnson, Samantha Jones,
Waylon Marshall Kelm, Jacob Law, Korben Dallas Leach,
Ryleigh Lewis, Rosaura Lopez, Mayra Lopez Orozco,
Destinie Loya, Jozalyne Loya, Jazmin Luna,
Jacqueline Magana, Kaysie Mali, Aiden Marchky,
Carlos Mendez Aguirre, Connor Moore, James Tyler Moss,
Leely Khanh-Nhi Nguyen, Rebekah Ojeda, Paxton Orchard,
Ariel Ortiz, Te'Aria Page-Nickerson, Daisy Palacios,
Megan Parish, Gladys Patricio, Carlos Quintanilla,
Louise Cristie Ranjo, Anabel Resendiz, Zoey Ritter,
Rita Rivera, Evelyn Rodriguez, Hailey Rodriguez,
Jayssen Rodriguez, Jose Rubio, Rubi Salazar,
Alexa Sanchez-Velaquez, Shontice Schooling, Jason Soth,
Kileigh Sparrow, David Stone, Kevin Suarez,
Katelyn Swindell, Mya Terry, Julissa Torres,
Reina Trevizo, Angel Vazquez, Jade Victorio,
Carmen Viramontes, Edward Zavala, Thomas Zavala
Congratulations to all our inductees and we will see you Thursday, October 19 at Tyler High Theatre for the induction ceremony at 6 pm!

There will be no Chat, Chew and Color today in hopes that students will attend tutorials! grades finalized Friday!

All students of parents that attend will receive a drop your lowest high school grade pass (not applicable for TJC nor dual credit classes)! We hope to see you there!

Attention Seniors and their parents/guardians! Please sign up here to attend this event tomorrow evening! https://uapply.georgetown.edu/register/?id=a1ee78c5-6498-465a-bde8-d333870fb736

Attention seniors and their parents/guardians! The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) opens December 1st. Everyone must have a FSA ID to complete it. Here is an opportunity at TJC to get help in completing this step so you're ready to complete the FAFSA when it opens.

October 4th the top 25% of the senior class attended a celebration at UT Tyler!

October is Fentanyl Awareness Month.
Let's come together to raise awareness about the dangers of counterfeit pills laced with this deadly opioid. Accidental fentanyl poisoning has led to countless tragedies.
Get the facts: https://txopioidresponse.org/fentanyl
Together, we can save lives.
#FentanylAwarenessMonth #OnePillKills #SafeTylerISD