students learning in class


The Tyler ISD Academic Approach

We work to ensure that your child will reach his or her highest academic potential to graduate high school prepared for higher education and/or the workforce in the global market, while closing the achievement gap.

student writing with pencil

Reading and Writing

Listening, talking, reading, and writing are all parts of early literacy learningβ€”and they’re all connected.

Learning to read, with an emphasis on phonemic awareness, phonics, sight words, and reading comprehension begins in our pre-k program.

high school student working on interest equation


Mathematics provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor.

In addition, mathematical knowledge plays a crucial role in understanding the contents of other school subjects such as science, social studies, and even music and art.

students working on science bowl project


Science enhances your child's curiosity, wonder and questioning, building on their natural desire to seek meaning and understanding of the world around them.

Scientific inquiry is introduced and encountered by students as an activity that can be carried out by everyone including themselves.

students dressed as historic figures

Social Studies

Social studies connect students with the real world to teach them to become good citizens.

In today’s interconnected world, students must be prepared to interact with people of all cultures and communities, and social studies prepares them for this.

students checking out books of literacy bus

Emphasis on Early Literacy and Math

Early literacy and math are two important skill areas that develop during the early childhood period and are related to one another. Early literacy and math skills are critical for early school success.

Furthermore, there is growing evidence that both early literacy and early math skills are strong predictors of children’s long-term achievement.

Sparking a love of reading is one of the most important ways to foster a spirit of education amongst our youth and equip our students with the necessary literacy skills that they need to take control of their destiny and fulfill their potential.

Academic Performance

Benefits and Facts

With academic achievement as the primary objective, Tyler ISD takes strong measures to ensure a positive, safe and orderly learning environment, to instill self-discipline, and to enforce standards of excellence throughout the district.

TEA District Rating

We scored an 88 out of 100 with TEA.

Campus Distinctions

In the 2021-2022 school year, 17 campuses earned at least one distinction.

Graduation Rate

Just over 96% of our students received their high school diploma on time or earlier, almost six points higher than the state average.

student working with computer

Programs Available to Your Child

We offer a number of specialized programs for your child. These programs help provide a strong foundation, different learning environments, and/or focus on workplace training.

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Leader in Me

Leader in Me embodies a holistic approach to education, redefining how schools measure success.

vet tech working with teacher

Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs allow students to explore career pathways during high school and are organized into programs of study.

students with pennant of TJC

Dual Credit Classes

Dual Credit allows students to take college courses while still in school through our partnership with Tyler Junior College, saving money on tuition.

avid students showing scholarships


When your child participates in AVID, they are more likely to graduate and attend college, and more importantly, they will be able to think critically, collaborate, and set high expectations to confidently conquer the challenges that await them.

student with teacher

Advanced Placement (AP)

Our AP program offers students the opportunity to take college-level courses and exams in high school and earn college credit, advanced placement, or both at many colleges and universities.

By earning college credit in high school and skipping introductory courses in college, your child can save time and money as they work toward a college degree.

students playing bass violin

Visual and Performing Arts

Research shows that after just two years of music education, students show substantial improvement in reading scores and how the brain processes speech.

students working on project

Specialized Programs

We have something for everyone. This includes programs such as character education, health and safety education, the Texas Virtual School Network, guidance and counseling and career and technical education.

students working with stem

Magnet Schools

Your art-loving middle school child will have the opportunity to compete at district, regional, and state levels as well as have their art on display at places such as the Tyler Museum of Art, Gallery Main Street, or even the State Capital!

We pride ourselves on being the region's leading award-producing performance district.

Additionally, the financial cost to families with a child participating in performing arts can be minimal. Many instruments and supplies are provided by the campus at little or no cost.

gifted and talented students working on project with popsicle sticks

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

As a district, we believe your child should have access to needed services and the opportunity to maximize their potential ability.

Our GATE program offers specialized instruction based on the academic, social, and emotional needs of students who are identified as needing these services.

All GATE teachers attend an initial 30 hour Foundations training and also receive their annual six hour update each subsequent school year.

sped student working with tablet

Special Education

We promote successful learning for all students who are eligible for Special Education services through effective instructional level interventions, access to the general grade level curriculum, and experience with appropriate life and career skills.

bilingual student in traditional dress


Our Bilingual education helps students become proficient in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English by developing skills in English and in Spanish.

Students who enter our program in kindergarten or the first grade receive most of their instruction in Spanish to develop literacy skills in their primary language. Those skills are later transferred to English language instruction.

Teachers in the bilingual program are also bilingual and have been trained to make content more understandable as students develop English proficiency.

student with chromebook

Instructional Technology

Technology is a fundamental part of the education process. Experts have found that technology has the ability to create profound changes in teaching and learning, creating opportunities for unprecedented collaboration, engagement, and support.

While the applications and benefits of instructional technology vary widely, all instructional technology shares one main purpose: to create engaging and effective learning experiences for our students.

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Student Devices

Electronic devices are provided to each student to enhance the learning experience and equip families to meet learning expectations.

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Interactive Clear Touch Panels

Interaction designed for all learning styles. These panels allow our classroom teachers to bring learning to life.

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Online Resources

We provide access to high-quality online educational resources for our students.

student checking out book

Library Media Centers

Our library media centers strive to inspire and support our students' and teachers' reading lives. Media Technology Specialists empower student creation through library programming and build instructional partnerships by facilitating professional development.

Our libraries curate diverse collections and digital resources to enhance critical thinking, collaboration, and innovation. We also cultivate partnerships within the local community to promote engagement as a community of readers.

stem class student with teacher

Academic Support

Academic support entails a variety of instructional methods, educational services, and school resources that help students accelerate skill acquisition and learning progress, meet expected school requirements and competencies, and succeed in their education.

Successful academic support programs are also positively associated with social-emotional skills such as creativity, resiliency and problem-solving, which in turn increase success in school and life.

We believe that support for our students and teachers should be a high priority throughout our district, and it is.

teacher working one on one with student

Support for Students

teacher training other teacher

Support for Teachers

There are many reasons why you should choose Tyler ISD.

If you are impressed with academic offerings, you should check out the rest of what we offer.

Have a Question? Contact Us:

Lani Norman
Chief Academic Officer

Valerie Ford
Executive Assistant

Paola Fuentes
Executive Assistant

Raina Patton
Facilitator of Elementary Programming

Michelle Gandy
Math Coordinator

Mandy Gillispie
RLA Coordinator

Julie Henry
Science Coordinator

Curtis Martine
Social Studies Coordinator