College, Career, and Military Prep
No matter your child’s future, the prep for it starts here and ends here.
We prepare students for college, career, and the military better than any district in the area. Your child can leave high school with a college degree, professional certification, or even a job in their target career.
No local public, charter, or private school can offer what we do.
Our students compete academically across the East Texas region in many markers while performing at or exceeding state standards.
We’re not just educating students; we’re preparing them for life because that’s not very far away for many of our students.
Our goal is for every student to graduate both college and career ready. Learn how we do it below:
When Should I Start?
Figuring out which classes you should take in high school doesn't have to be complicated! Yes, you need to know the school's requirements and college expectations, but you also get to take your own interests, abilities, and life into account. And, we have counselors available to assist you.
Because there are so many different questions you have to answer and decisions you have to make, it helps to start the planning process early, ideally in middle school.
For the first time, you'll have a lot of choices to make about what you study. It's important to know that the choices you make for 9th grade - as well as 10th, 11th, and 12th - will affect the choices you'll have for the rest of your life.
Impressive Facts
Students enrolled in Dual Credit Courses
Total Credit Hours for Dual Credit
Contact Hours for Dual Credit
Students Currently in 1+ CTE Course

Advanced Academics (College Prep)

Career and Technical Education (CTE/Career Prep)

Military Prep

Advanced Academics (College Prep)
We offer Honors, Pre-Ap, AP, and Dual Credit and we've proven ours is great.
We Offer Testing for FREE
TSIA testing is required for all students who wish to take academic dual credit courses. This is free for students (we pay for it).
We also pay for SAT and/or ACT if the students take advantage of taking the test during the designated SAT or ACT School Day.
Students with Free/Reduced-Lunch waivers (submitted by their comprehensive high school) can receive vouchers for free SAT/ACT examinations beyond the SAT/ACT School Day.
PSAT 8/9
The PSAT 8/9 test makes it easy for your child to start thinking about college and a future career.
Each October, students in 8th and 9th grade take the PSAT 8/9 at their school campus to determine what they need to work on most so that they’re ready for college when they graduate from high school.
The PSAT 8/9 test also identifies readiness for advanced high school courses.
The PSAT 8/9 helps students:
Each October, students in 10th and 11th grade take the PSAT/NMSQT at their school campus to measure readiness for college, access scholarships, and practice for the SAT.
As students prepare for college, they can take a college preparatory exam, such as the ACT or SAT.
ACT/SAT Registration:
Tyler High School Code 447140
Legacy High School Code 447138
If your child is on free/reduced lunch, they may pick up a fee waiver in the counseling office before registering.
Use the links below for registration, career planning, test prep, or last minute questions.
Our 4 Levels of Advanced Academics

Middle School + High School
Increased Rigor to challenge students with advanced curriculum.
Our Honors courses start in middle school with English and Math.

Middle School + High School
Advanced courses with prep for AP that are college board focused.
Middle school students can earn high school credit for Algebra I* Pre-AP and Geometry Pre-AP.
*Middle school students who take Algebra I Pre-AP must take the ACT or SAT in high school to get credit. We pay for the test during school hours.

High School
Highly advanced courses with potential for college credit that are college board focused.
AP tests available in multiple languages.
Some colleges award college credit for qualifying AP Exam scores (3 or higher). Find your college under AP Credit Policy Search below.
Students can also take AP exams without taking the course.

Dual Credit
High School
College-level courses through TJC with transferable credit to Texas public colleges and universities. Planning to attend a private university? Check with them for allowable transfer credits.
Dual Credit allows students to take college courses while still in high school through our partnership with Tyler Junior College, saving money on tuition.
Students who qualify for free and reduced lunch do not pay for dual credit courses.
TJC Academic Dual Credit (core courses) requires the TSIA 2.0.

Our Advanced Academics has Proven Performance
Our students scored higher on 19 of 25 AP Exams Statewide
AP Scholars
AP Scholars w/Honors
AP Scholars w/Distinction
AP Capstone Diplomas
Which level should my student take?
It depends on what they plan on doing after high school.

Are they planning on attending a Texas public or private college or university?
If yes, then we would suggest them choosing
Dual Credit
Many of the public and private institutions accept transfer credits from Tyler Junior College. This saves you money and time.
Saves money - college isn't cheap, and depending on how many courses your child takes (and passes), you could save thousands on tuition.
Saves time - your child could graduate high school having already completed several college courses and be ahead of their peers.

Are they planning on attending an out-of-state public or private college or university?
If yes, then we would suggest them choosing
CollegeBoard AP is a nationally accredited program.
Some out-of-state colleges and universities do not accept transfer credit from Texas community colleges (dual credit).
Saves money - depending on which AP exams your child passes, they can receive college credit, potentially saving you thousands on tuition.
Saves time - your child could graduate high school having already completed several college courses and be ahead of their peers.

College Preparation and Tuition Savers

Career Prep Through Career and Technical Education
What does that mean?
Great question! Career and Technical Education (CTE) are programs that offer a sequence of courses that prepare students for a successful journey in selecting and receiving relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare them for further education and careers in current or emerging professions.
When does the CTE program start?
Elementary School
Learning about our CTE program begins in elementary school, where students think about their future paths through career days and campus events where high school CTE students encourage younger students to get interested in their future pathway selections.
Middle School
Students take a College and Career Exploration class where they learn more about career opportunities, education, and training needed to pursue their future dreams.
NOTE: Course not available at Caldwell Arts Academy.
High School
Students must first take Level 1 and Level 2 CTE courses at their home campus at either Tyler High School or Tyler Legacy High School before they can enroll in more advanced courses offered at our Career and Technology Center.
Common Misconceptions About the CTC
It's a separate high school.
FALSE: The CTC may be a separate building, but it is only an extension of our two comprehensive high schools. Our students that attend the CTC are Tyler High School and Tyler Legacy High School students that are bused from their home campus.
It's open to out of district students.
FALSE: All students attending CTC courses are enrolled in Tyler ISD, and there are no applications. You can transfer to one of our two comprehensive high schools free of charge if you want our CTE programs.
Benefits of Our CTE Programs

Industry-Based Certifications
Students can earn certifications recognized by local, state, and national levels, allowing them to enter the workforce immediately with a competitive advantage and potentially earn more money before they even graduate.
These certifications can also give students a competitive edge if they wish to continue their education before entering the workforce.

Work-Based Learning
Work-based learning links work experiences with school-based instruction to prepare students for the future workplace through internships and job shadowing in their chosen program of study.

Technical Dual Credit
Our programs of study include some courses that give students the opportunity to earn technical dual credit to get a jump start on post-secondary plans through our partnership with local colleges.

Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO)
Students can join a CTSO that extends teaching and learning through innovative programs, business and community partnerships and leadership experiences at the school, state, and national levels.

CTE Facts
Students have Completed a CTE Program
Industry Based Certifications Earned (as of July 2024)
Seniors with 1+ Industry Based Certifications
AP Seminar and Research Certificates

Military Options
If your child plans to join the military after high school, we have leadership courses available at Tyler High School and Tyler Legacy High School that will complement their future career. We highly encourage our military prep students to enroll in CTE courses to align with their intended military career.
JROTC at Tyler High School
The U.S. Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) is one of the largest character development and citizenship programs for youth in the world.
Students are provided classroom opportunities to build and lead a team of their peers, however they gain the most experience from State competitions, Regionals, and Nationals. Our goal is to give our cadets experiences that will help them grow as individuals while providing a strong foundation for future success.
NNDCC at Tyler Legacy High School
The National Naval Defense Cadet Corps is designed to expand students' opportunities to gain the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility and a sense of accomplishment.

College Prep
Career Prep
Military Prep
Dr. Kristen Walls
Executive Director of College & Career
Christopher Blake
Director of the Career & Technology Center
Lillian Brooks
Coordinator of AVID & College Readiness
Stephanie Seale
Coordinator of CCMR
Michael Sturrock
CTE Curriculum Specialist
Jessica Brown
Work-Based Learning Coordinator
Sarah Jane Walker
CTE Counselor - Career & Technology Center
Sheri Seckel
College & Career Counselor - Tyler High School
Monica Jones
College & Career Counselor - Tyler Legacy High School
There are many reasons why you should choose Tyler ISD.
If you are impressed with academic offerings, you should check out the rest of what we offer.