Tyler ISD encourages its employees, eligible students, and all stakeholders to actively participate in the elections process.
It is important to Tyler ISD to teach students at all grade levels the value of responsible citizenship. In the fall and spring each year, Tyler ISD seniors who are 18 years old or older have the opportunity to submit their voter registration application through their government class or campus representatives. In elementary grades, students build upon the standards outlined in the Texas Essential Knowledge of Skills (TEKS) each year. These standards include identifying characteristics of good citizenship, such as truthfulness, justice, equality, respect for oneself and others, and responsibility in daily life. During middle and high school years, campuses reinforce the ideas of civic duty that include educating themselves about the issues, respectfully holding public officials to their word, and voting.
Texas Elections
Local elections in Texas are very important, as many of the issues that most impact Texans are decided at the local government level. Typically, voter turnout at local elections can be very low. It is important for active voters in Texas to participate in local elections. Visit the Smith County Elections Office to learn more about local elections and how to register to vote.
School Board Elections
As the governing body of the Tyler Independent School District, the Board of Trustees is comprised of seven community members who are elected by the public to serve for a term of three years each. On a rotating basis, Board seats are filled during annual elections held on the first Saturday in May. Trustees provide service to the Tyler community without financial compensation.
Click here to learn more about Tyler ISD Board elections.