Hogg Middle School Update
Previous Hogg Middle School students have been zoned to a new middle school for the upcoming school year. Students will receive new school zone information in the mail.
Parents & Students
Your new campus will have your studentโs records and will be prepared to receive your child for the first day of school on August 15, 2022.
Your student also has the choice to apply to attend Birdwell Dual Language Immersion School or the Caldwell Arts Academy. The window for submitting applications begins Tuesday, June 28, and ends on Friday, July 15.
Applications can be emailed to contacts listed below during the application window or dropped off at the district front office starting Monday, July 11. Birdwell will test applicants on Tuesday, July 19, and Caldwell will audition students on Thursday, July 21.
Information and details will be sent to applicants upon submission. Also, the campus will follow up with any questions as soon as possible during the application window. Applicants will be informed of acceptance through email and/or mail by Wednesday, July 27.
Transportation is NOT provided if you choose to attend one of the Magnet Schools
Learn More About Magnet School Options
Birdwell Dual Language Immersion School
Birdwell Dual Language Immersion School uses a systematic approach to engage students across content areas in both English and Spanish. Our highly-qualified teachers use the partner language for at least half of the instructional day beginning in pre-K and ending in 8th grade.
Caldwell Arts Academy
Caldwell integrates all areas of arts throughout language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. To promote creativity, we provide multiple opportunities for students to design, perform, and share as a community. As our students go through each grade, they explore various aspects of the arts.