student doing live news announcements

Leader in Me logo

What is Leader in Me?

Leader in Me is the character-building curriculum for all of Tyler ISD.

This curriculum is based on the idea that every child can be a leader. It's a whole-school, and in our case districtwide, transformation process that teaches our students 21st-century leadership and life skills.

Stephen Covey's book

Based on Stephen R. Covey's book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Leader in Me will introduce your child to those same 7 Habits through in-class lessons and by integrating principles through a schoolwide culture.

The habits are first introduced by the simpler version in parenthesis below to help them understand and memorize.

โ€œJust as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition โ€“ such as lifting weights โ€“ we develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity."

Stephen R. Covey ย 

The 7 Habits

Habit 1: Be Proactive
(You're in Charge)

Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind
(Have a Plan)

Habit 3: Put First Things First
(Work First, Then Play)

Habit 4: Think Win-Win
(Everyone Can Win)

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
(Listen Before You Talk)

Habit 6: Synergize
(Together is Better)

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
(Balance Feels Best)

students working on chromebooks

What is social and emotional learning?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an educational concept that helps kids gain skills in essential areas beyond math, reading, and other core school subjects. Our superintendent likes to call this "the good stuff."

This type of learning helps kids identify their feelings, understand and communicate with others, build strong relationships, and make good, empathetic decisions through character building. When your child is growing great social and emotional skills, it very often increases academic performance.

Leader in Me is how we ensure your child receives "the good stuff."

Bringing "the Good Stuff" Districtwide

In 2020, we chose to bring Leader in Me to every school in our district. It provides equity regardless of school zone or campus by giving all students a path to build the essential college, career, and life-readiness skills in each grade level. Not only that, with Leader in Me in all our schools, your child will have similar experiences and language if they change schools or transition to a secondary campus.

This unifies the entire district with a cohesive culture.

While all campuses follow the Leader in Me program, each school can implement it uniquely and differently.

Leader in Me framework

What does a Leader in Me school do?

The Framework provides a unique approach to integrating highly effective practices throughout a schoolโ€™s culture. Instead of focusing on academic measures alone, Leader in Me embodies a holistic approach to education, redefining how schools measure success.

This approach empowers educators with effective practices and tools to:

Teach leadership to every student,

Create a culture of student empowerment, and

Align systems to drive results in academics.

How does this impact your child?

Leader in Me gives your child skills that will remain with them beyond graduation. These skills don't turn off when they leave school, they bring them home.

Often, we get caught up in academics and standardized testing. Yes, those are important, but in the real world, we know that "soft skills" are critical for successful student outcomes beyond school, whether at college or in the workplace.

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We'll empower your child to lead their own lives, and make a difference with others.

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Develop student voice.

smile emoji

Managing Emotions

Create a culture of trust and engagement.

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Finding Creative Solutions

Provide students tools to better achieve goals.

Understanding the 7 Habits

Are you having trouble visualizing how the 7 Habits work? The descriptions below help illustrate characteristics your child can utilize in every day life, whether in the classroom, at home, or as an adult.

Global Connect

The Global Connect program facilitates connections between students from different countries through video meetings, fostering cross-cultural learning and understanding.

Tyler ISD believes that Global Connect enriches studentsโ€™ educational experiences and prepares them for a diverse, interconnected world. By bridging cultures and fostering meaningful connections, students exemplify the spirit of leadership and unity, making their mark on the world one connection at a time.

Griffin Elementary School students embarked on virtual adventures and connected with peers from Taiwan and Pakistan while Jack Elementary School students welcomed new friends from Pakistan and shared aspects of American culture through performances.

Tyler ISD Students Soar Globally with Leader in Me Global Connect

We have two schools that are nationally recognized.

Within education, it is common for schools to receive recognition for outstanding achievement in academics. This could be through the Texas Education Agency (TEA) or from a regional educational service center. For a school to be recognized nationally is different.

Dr. Bryan C. Jack Elementary

Leader in Me Legacy School

Leader in Me Legacy School

The Legacy School recognition is the highest honor for Leader in Me schools. A Legacy School exemplifies a strong leadership culture by unleashing the highest potential in students, staff, families, and community.

A Legacy School stands as a global beacon throughout the world of greatness cultivated over time.

Dr. Bryan C. Jack Elementary School is the 2nd school in Texas to earn Legacy School recognition.

Today, only 13 schools around the world have earned Legacy recognition by meeting the following criteria:

At Dr. Bryan C. Jack Elementary School, every child is a leader โ€“ sharing a common language, and united through the practice of FranklinCoveyโ€™s The 7 Habits of Happy Kids.

two men and a woman stand under a balloon arch

elementary age students standing with hands over hearts

man stands in from of Jack Elementary sign with his arms spread wide

group of elementary age students sitting together waving pom poms

group of elementary students celebrating with confetti in the air

confetti flying through the air in front of elementary school with students standing out front

group of students standing together

two elementary age boys stand in front of the high school drummers with confetti all over the ground

See the school that's "Building Leaders of Tomorrow."

group of students and adults in a library

Slider is playing
adults and kids in library

Caldwell Arts Academy

Leader in Me Lighthouse School

Leader in Me Lighthouse School

The Lighthouse School recognition is evidence that the campus has produced outstanding results in school and student outcomes and is having an extraordinary impact on staff, students, parents, and the greater community.

Today, roughly 10% of schools who have adopted the Leader in Me model around the world have earned the Lighthouse recognition by meeting the following criteria:

Lighthouse Schools serve as exemplars to their community and other schools.

principal handing out goody bags


There are many reasons why you should choose Tyler ISD.

If you are impressed Leader in Me, you should check out the rest of what we offer.