Record Retention
Record retention ensures that critical records are identified and retained in accordance with State and Federal guidelines. The Local Government Records Act establishes the primary requirements for records retention policies and plans. These record retention guidelines are specified in the retention schedules adopted by Tyler ISD and approved by the State Library and Archives Commission. The schedules adopted by Tyler ISD include:
Local Schedule GR - Records Common to All Governments
Local Schedule EL - Records of Elections and Voter Registration
Local Schedule TX - Records of Property Taxation
Local Schedule SD - Records for Public School Districts
Local Schedule PS β Records for Public Safety Agencies
You can print a copy of the comprehensive Record Retention Schedule(s) listed above here. Tyler ISDβs Records Management Officeβs retention of records shall be in accordance with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission; Local Schedules for Local Governments, Tyler ISD Policy, CPC (Legal) and FL (Legal).