Student Support

We are excited to introduce you to the continuum of services and supports that we offer. Continuum is the key word. Our services span across general and special education. There is not a direct linear flow. Students require varying levels of support to be successful. Within Tyler ISD we offer tiered intervention for academic success. Ours is a four tiered system which begins with exceptional core instruction and positive behavior supports at Tier 1 and delivers the most intense intervention provided by special education at Tier 4.

We work interactively with the Tyler ISD Curriculum and Instruction Department to provide enhanced learning opportunities for all learners. We work diligently to build campus capacity and confidence in facilitating student academic and behavioral success. The Tyler ISD Student Support Department follows the Teaching for Robust understanding or TRU framework where we facilitate environments in which all students are supported in becoming knowledgeable, flexible, and resourceful disciplinary thinkers. 

We measure the quality of our learning environments by determining the extent to which they provide opportunities for students along the following five dimensions:

  1. The richness of disciplinary concepts and practices (“the content”) available for learning;

  2. Student sense-making and “productive struggle”;

  3. Meaningful and equitable access to concepts and practices for all students;

  4. Means for constructing positive disciplinary identities through presenting, discussing and refining ideas; and

  5. The responsiveness of the environment to student thinking.

Our department includes Student Intervention Services through a Multi-Tiered System of Support including RTI, 504, Dyslexia Services and Special Education. Please see our program links to the left.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports chart


Dr. Julie Davis
Chief of Student Support

Michelle Reed
Executive Assistant of Student Support
903.262.1165 (fax)