What is the Teacher Incentive Allotment System?
The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) is an initiative created by the State of Texas to attract high-quality educators to work and teach at higher-need campuses. As a key part of House Bill 3, TIA is dedicated to recruiting, supporting, and retaining highly effective teachers in all schools, with particular emphasis on high needs and rural schools. In addition to helping attract and keep effective educators in the classroom, implementing the TIA system permits Tyler ISD to identify more effective educators and provide incentives for them to teach in our district.
Class of 2023 TOP Teachers
(Not all teachers represented in photos)

Austin Elementary School
Jose Guerrero, Exemplary
Maria Araujo, Exemplary
Marina Albertos Lopez, Exemplary
Gracia Hidalgo, Exemplary
Maria Riggs, Exemplary
Luis Soto, Master
Susana Gomez Alves, Recognized
Keisha Richardson, Recognized

Birdwell Dual Language Immersion School
Maria Romero-Munoz, Exemplary
Ricardo Esparza, Exemplary
Raquel Prado, Exemplary
Eva Salas Nuez, Exemplary
Sonia De Nova-Gomez, Master
Iliana Mundo, Recognized
Kemele Fallad, Recognized
Rafael Tomas-Leon, Recognized
Susana Castro, Recognized

Bonner Elementary School
Nuria Rivas, Exemplary
Karla Moran, Exemplary

Boulter Middle School
Erin Kennedy, Exemplary
Linnon Thomas, Exemplary
Yolanda Taylor Wade, Recognized

Caldwell Arts Academy
Emily Little, Exemplary
Brandi Thompson, Recognized
Melanie Ransome, Recognized
Tracy Fumo, Recognized

Clarkston Elementary School
Karen Phillips, Recognized
Lamonica Freeman, Recognized
Monique Hawkins, Recognized

Dixie Elementary School
Jessilyn Taylor, Recognized
Laura Calvo Parra, Recognized
Mariana Arenas Alvarez Del Castillo, Recognized

Douglas Elementary School
Catherine Lengua, Exemplary
Cecilia Salgado, Exemplary

Griffin Elementary School
Karen Hartless, Recognized
Nora Zavala, Recognized

Hubbard Middle School
Indira Trejo Tellez, Recognized

Jack Elementary School
Laurie Fullen, Exemplary
Morgan Davis, Exemplary
Keri Boland, Exemplary
Jordyn Conner, Exemplary
Claire Dixon, Exemplary
Megan Threadgill, Exemplary
Alyssa Hassell, Recognized
Tiffany Brower, Recognized

Jones Elementary School
Destinee Davis (Collins), Exemplary
Emilee Kubara, Exemplary
Amber Jackson, Exemplary
Jade Perry, Exemplary
Sebria Mitchell, Recognized
Misty Artmire, Recognized

Moore Middle School
Kirby Holland, Exemplary
Daniel Gutierrez, Recognized
Ivan Magnuson, Recognized

Orr Elementary School
Litzia Roman Gonzalez, Exemplary
Alan Richbourg, Exemplary
Rolando Alvarez, Master
Magda Hernandez Ramirez, Recognized
Martha Ramirez, Recognized
Nancy Navarrete Montalvo, Recognized
Stephanie Constante, Recognized

Owens Elementary School
Beth Lockhart, Exemplary
Susan (Lindsay) Jenkins, Exemplary
Lisa Smith, Exemplary
Beth Hayes, Recognized
Katherine Powell, Recognized
Mary Rudd, Recognized

Peete Elementary School
Maria Martinez, Master
Alba Guzman Acosta, Recognized

Ramey Elementary School
Eduardo Fumo, Exemplary
Elizabeth Neuman, Exemplary
Jaquelline Luna, Exemplary
Maria de la Luz Chavez Izaguirre, Exemplary
Laura Elizalde Moran, Master
Jasmin Lopez, Master
Ebony Cormier, Master
Kristi Tapper, Master
Marcela Galvan De Guzman, Master
Rhone Mendoza, Recognized

Rice Elementary School
Angula Humphrey, Recognized
Lisa Munoz, Recognized

Three Lakes Middle School
Aundrea Young, Exemplary
Marcie Fowler, Exemplary
Tristan Arrington, Master
Kyoddria Chandler, Recognized
Brian Culp, Recognized
Courtney Clague, Recognized
Jennifer Constante, Recognized
Stephanie Sherman, Recognized

Woods Elementary School
LaShunda Wright, Exemplary
Karen Gardiner, Exemplary
Lindsay Wampler, Recognized

Prior Year TOP Teachers