group of adults standing in front of a WWII airplane

Tyler High School U.S. History Lead Teacher Alyssa Wilhite recently attended the Collection to Classroom workshop at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans. The program aims to improve the quality of instruction on World War II. Once Mrs. Wilhite completes all program requirements, including creating and facilitating professional development workshops at her campus, she will be certified as a Master Educator for the Museum.  

“This is great news,” Tyler ISD K-12 Social Studies Coordinator Curtis Martine said. “Mrs. Wilhite represents one of the most important attributes we desire for every student here in Tyler ISD – that of a lifelong learner. Many believe the stories of World War II to be well-tread, but, as with many other aspects of history, we have only scratched the surface. I’m excited that Mrs. Wilhite will be able to bring those stories home to serve our students. Especially those from communities with untold stories.” 

Teachers from across the country applied for the opportunity to attend this prestigious program which included lectures from experts in the field, exclusive access to the Museum’s collections, and world-class professional development. Thirty applicants were selected to participate, with all costs paid by the Museum.

The theme for the workshop was Voices from the European Theater: Teaching the Untold Stories of World War II. As part of Mrs. Wilhite’s application, she discussed the diverse student population at Tyler High School and the importance of seeing themselves reflected in the stories of World War II.

“The week was truly a privileged experience, and I am excited to share all that I learned with my colleagues on campus and across the district,” Wilhite said.  “I am looking forward to bringing to life the adventures of all the brave men and women who fought so valiantly.”

Wilhite will share what she learned and a wealth of resources for multiple disciplines and grade levels with colleagues at her professional development workshop next month.

For more information, contact Jennifer Hines at