men standing behind African American football player for signing day

Tyler High School senior athlete Derrick McFall committed to play football at the collegiate level today. McFall was considering at least thirty schools, choosing from his final three, University of Colorado, UCLA, and University of Washington, to surprise his family, coaches, and teammates.  A roar of applause erupted when he made his final pick, UCLA. Fun fact, Derrick planned the announcement for today because it is also his mom’s birthday, and they sang her happy birthday!

Derrick McFall - Wide Receiver/Athlete SR 5'10 175

2022 Stats/Awards
2022 District 7-5A 1st Team Utility Player 
Passing: 27-57 for 445 yards & 4 TDs
Rushing: 44 carries for 218 yards & 1 TD
Receiving: 18 receptions for 226 yards & 1 TD

2021 Stats/Awards
2021 District 7-5A D1 First Team WR
Passing: 39-70 for 452 yards & 2 TDs, and 3 INTs
Rushing: 60 carries for 531 yards & 8 TDs
Receiving: 26 receptions for 531 yards & 4 TDs
2 Kickoff return TDs

Tyler High Offensive Coordinator/Wide Receivers Coach, Lionel Wrenn:

"Derrick McFall is a dynamic athlete and a student of the game. He shows up daily ready to work and eager to learn. He is also a natural leader both on and off the field. His words carry weight, and when he speaks, the others listen."

For more information, contact Jennifer Hines at