In a delightful turn of events at Rice Elementary School, the Rangers recently celebrated success in their Read-a-Thon fundraiser by turning their beloved principal, Mrs. Allison O'Neal, into a delicious "Ice Cream Sundae." The enthusiastic students, motivated by their passion for reading, collectively raised an impressive sum of over $26,000. This achievement reflects not only their commitment to literacy but also their community spirit.
The Read-a-Thon, a literacy-focused fundraiser, witnessed the entire campus coming together to promote a love for reading. The Rice Rangers demonstrated their dedication by collectively devouring over 337,000 minutes of reading. This remarkable feat not only enhances their academic skills but also fosters a sense of camaraderie among the students.
The highlight of the celebration was undoubtedly the transformation of Mrs. O'Neal into an "Ice Cream Sundae." Laughter echoed through the school as the students enjoyed this unique and sweet reward for their hard work. The event not only celebrated academic success but also emphasized the importance of making learning fun and rewarding.
Congratulations to the Rice Rangers on their outstanding achievement in the Read-a-Thon fundraiser! Their dedication to literacy has not only enriched their own educational experience but has also contributed to building a stronger and more vibrant school community. Well done, Rice Elementary!