Hispanic teen girl wearing black hoodie

Congratulations to Amy (Amayrani) Vazquez, a 10th grade student at Tyler High School, for being named the District Secondary Student of the Month for May. 

Amy’s remarkable achievements extend across academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities, making her a well-rounded and exemplary student.

In athletics, Amy made history as Tyler High School’s first-ever regional qualifier in cross country, earning a spot on the All-District 1st Team. She also shone on the track, becoming the district champion in the 800 meters, and securing second place in the 1600 meters. Her prowess continued at the area meet, where she qualified for regionals in both events.

Amy’s dedication is equally evident in her academics, where she maintains straight A’s, exemplifying her commitment to excellence. Her talents also extend beyond the classroom and track; she is a frequent soloist in the school choir, captivating audiences with her Beyoncé-like voice.

Known for her empathy and leadership, Amy is an ideal teammate who always prioritizes others, offering encouragement and support. As the oldest sibling, she often takes on babysitting duties, showcasing her responsibility and care. Additionally, Amy actively participates in community service by helping sponsor blood drives.

Amy Vazquez embodies the qualities of respect, dedication, and hard work, making her a deserving recipient of this honor.

The Tyler ISD District Students of the Month each receive a certificate and medal, sponsored by CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Health System.

Christus Trinity Mother Frances Health System

Each month, Tyler ISD recognizes the exemplary efforts of two students, one from our elementary schools and one from our secondary schools, to be honored. Teachers and school principals submit nominations based on students' excellence in many areas, including academics, leadership, campus, and community involvement. These outstanding qualities lead to successful student outcomes both in and outside of the classroom.