high school football player sitting in a chair with a book surrounded by elementary kids pointing at the book

Tyler High School’s football team traded their playbooks for picture books as they stepped into the classrooms of Griffin Elementary, continuing their annual “Literacy with the Lions” initiative. Launched by Campus Athletic Coordinator Jayme Moore in 2022, the program connects student-athletes with young readers, inspiring them through stories, mentorship, and leadership. The players, proudly wearing their game-day jerseys, took time to share their love of reading while encouraging students to work hard in both academics and sports.

high school boy wearing blue football jersey reading a book to elementary kidshigh school boy wearing blue football jersey reading a book to class full of elementary kidsThe atmosphere was electric as the players entered the school, with some returning to the same halls they once walked as elementary students. The younger students gathered eagerly in classrooms, wide-eyed and excited to meet their high school heroes. The football players captivated their audience with animated storytelling and heartfelt interactions, making each moment special for the young readers.

football player sitting in middle of class of elementary age kidshigh school football player reading to elementary kids"This is what it's all about," said Jayme Moore, the program’s creator. "Watching our athletes engage with these young students is truly powerful. The elementary students look up to them as heroes, but it’s our players who often walk away the most inspired by the connections they make. It’s a reminder that being a role model extends beyond the field, and it’s something we’re proud to continue growing."

high school football players, their two male coaches, and five elementary age kids standing in a hallwayPrincipal Steven Ladd expressed how impactful the visit was for his students. "It’s one of the highlights of the year for our students. They see these football players not just as athletes, but as role models who value education. It leaves a lasting impression, and I’m proud to partner with my students’ future high school in an event that bridges literacy and leadership."

The players didn’t just read books in classrooms—their visit served as a reminder that success in sports goes hand in hand with dedication in the classroom.

high school football player reading to elementary kidsThis initiative continues to strengthen the bond between Tyler High School and its feeder schools, creating a culture of literacy, leadership, and lifelong learning. Simply put, this tradition builds a legacy of literacy and mentorship that extends far beyond the football field.