Caucasian woman wearing green shirt sitting at table

Congratulations to our District Secondary Teacher of Month, Jessica Dene, teacher at the Boshears Center for Exceptional Programs.

Jessica demonstrates excellence in the classroom by challenging and differentiating for her students.  Regardless of what support is needed, she utilizes all resources to educate her students, including curriculum resources, new strategies, collaborative efforts from her team, and feedback from her administrators. 

The rapport and relationship that she has with her students motivates them to exceed expectations. This, along with her use of research-based behavior supports, has resulted in an increase in appropriate behaviors from her students and opportunities to transition to new classes. 

She serves as a positive role model through her mentoring of other teachers as well as serving as a team leader.  Her partnership with a team teacher has allowed her to share her creativity with others while also gaining ideas from this fellow teacher.  She has collaborated with her colleagues to introduce a new Work Based Learning site to her students through a partnership with the East Texas Food Bank. 

She recently received a grant from the Tyler ISD Foundation, in collaboration with two other teachers.  She is dedicated to each of her students and meeting their individual needs. She goes above and beyond not only in her own classroom but in specialty classrooms as well, ensuring that these areas are set up for success for all classes that use these areas. Congratulations, Jessica!