Tyler ISD Food Services will add Dixie Elementary School to the list of Curbside Meal locations beginning Monday, April 6. The full list of locations include Boulter, Hubbard, Moore and Three Lakes middle schools, Caldwell Arts Academy, and Austin, Dixie, Griffin, and Peete elementary schools. Additionally, Tyler ISD Food Services wants to reassure the community that meals will be available Friday, April 10, which is also Good Friday.

Since the curbside service began on Monday, March 16, Tyler ISD Food Services has distributed more than 31,500 grab and go meals to students.

Any child age 18 or younger can participate and pick up meals at any feeding site, regardless of what school they attend. According to new state regulations, students do NOT have to be present to receive the meal.

Meal Pick Up Locations:

  • Boulter Middle School, 2926 Garden Valley Rd.

  • Caldwell Arts Academy, 331 South College St.

  • Dixie Elementary School, 213 Patton Lane β€” NEW!!!

  • Griffin Elementary School, 2650 N. Broadway Ave.

  • Hubbard Middle School, 1300 Hubbard Dr.

  • Moore MST Magnet School, 2101 Devine St.

  • Peete Elementary School, 1511 Bellwood Rd.

  • Three Lakes Middle School, 2445 Three Lakes Pkwy.

  • T.J. Austin Elementary School, 1105 West Franklin St.