student holding her voter registration form

Only a few weeks remain until the November 3rd election. Tyler ISD encourages all citizens to participate in the democratic process on Election Day, including more than 100 Tyler ISD seniors who recently became registered voters.   

“Now that I’m 18, I have the right to vote and it makes me feel like a grown up,” Tyler High senior, Nallely Castillo said. “Our government classes help me understand the process and laws and how we can make a difference.”

In the fall and spring each year, Tyler ISD seniors who are 18 years old have the opportunity to submit their voter registration application through their government class or campus representatives. Although the amount of students registering to become voters is typically greater in the spring due to more of them having turned 18 by that time, Tyler ISD is proud of the students who completed the process by the Oct. 5 voter registration deadline.

“Voting is a foundational function of the Constitutional Republic we enjoy as Americans,” Tyler ISD Superintendent Dr. Marty Crawford said. “So many men and women gave their lives in service to our country to ensure the essential rights protected in the United States Constitution. Every eligible American should honor their sacrifice by participating in this important process.”

Tyler ISD actively prepares students to participate in the electoral process long before they turn 18. In elementary school, students build upon the standards outlined in the Texas Essential Knowledge of Skills (TEKS) each year. These standards include identifying characteristics of good citizenship, such as truthfulness, justice, equality, respect for oneself and others, and responsibility in daily life.

 During middle and high school years, campuses reinforce the ideas of civic duty and voting by organizing student led campaigns, official debates, and schoolwide elections. Students also learn the responsibilities of an individual in state and local elections, such as the importance of educating themselves about the issues, respectfully holding public officials to their word, and voting.

For more information, contact Jennifer Hines at 903-262-1064.