Moore MS Student Council members stand behind toys purchased for Toys for Tots fundraiser

The Moore MST eighth grade student council is spreading holiday cheer to children in the Tyler community. The group organized a schoolwide fundraiser to collect money to purchase toys for the Toys for Tots organization.

“Last week, we sponsored a ‘Penny Bomb’ fundraiser and encouraged students and staff to donate throughout the week,” Robin Stallings, Moore’s student council sponsor, said. “Our students worked so hard and spent so much time collecting and counting money, and we were able to raise more than $1,700.”

When the fundraiser was complete, the group of 12 student council members and their sponsors spent the morning using the funds to purchase new toys.  Student council president and eighth grader, Brandon Miles, says that it is a great feeling to do good for those in need.

“It really gives you a feeling in your body that’s just like a satisfaction of you giving toys to people who can’t afford them, and it just makes you feel really good.”