Tyler Independent School District 2020-2021 Board of Trustees. President R. Wade Washmon, District 1; Vice President Aaron D. Martinez, District 5; Artis Newsome, District 2; Yvonne Atkins, District 3; Dr. Patricia Nation, District 4; Rev. Fritz Hager, Jr., District 6; and Andy Bergfeld, District 7.

January is School Board Recognition Month, and Tyler ISD would like to recognize and say thank you to our Board of Trustees for their tireless dedication to the community. The Tyler ISD Board of Trustees is represented by President R. Wade Washmon, District 1; Vice President Aaron D. Martinez, District 5; Artis Newsome, District 2; Yvonne Atkins, District 3; Dr. Patricia Nation, District 4; Rev. Fritz Hager, Jr., District 6; and Andy Bergfeld, District 7.

“School Board service may be the most difficult responsibility of any elected position of Texas municipalities,” Tyler ISD Superintendent Dr. Marty Crawford said. “While our trustees are selected through single member district elections, they sit as a corporate body charged with governance of the entire school system, not just a segment or two of our community. That alone is a monumental task and takes emotional maturity to lead understanding that expectation. I appreciate our past and current board members realizing that foundational characteristic for what makes effective governance as an individual trustee, which leads to courageous leadership in improving student academic outcomes.”

The last year has brought many challenges for the Board of Trustees, but it also brought opportunities to lead the District to continued success. In February, the District and the community mourned the sudden passing of District 3 Trustee Freeman Sterling. Later that spring, longtime Trustee Rev. Orenthia Mason retired from the Board after 15 years of service. 

In May, trustees welcomed two new members, Artis Newsome and Yvonne Atkins. Together the new Board has successfully led the District in creating successful student outcomes. 

When the COVID-19 global pandemic hit, Trustees guided the District in its response with one goal in mind: the health and safety of students, families, and staff. Their leadership and support provided resources to help create quality remote learning environments, including teacher and student devices and innovative programs for distance learning. Additionally, free nutritional meals were provided for students who depend on that food each school day. Recognizing the negative social, emotional, and educational impact of students not being in a school environment since March, the Board kept its original 2020-2021 calendar in place, welcoming students back on August 19 when other school districts across the state delayed the start of school. After evaluating remote learning data in October, showing a large number students were not successful, the Board voted to bring all students back to in-school learning while ensuring campuses had what they needed to keep students and staff healthy and safe. 

Further demonstrating their leadership and strength as the pandemic continued, Trustees addressed a local issue once again brought forth by our community, students, and staff: the names of our two flagship high schools. Not shying away from difficult decisions, their vision to create successful student outcomes for all students remains at the forefront of every decision the Board makes. After listening to community concerns and input, and forming individual campus committees to represent each high schools’ students, parents, staff, and community members,  Trustees took historic action to rename its two flagship high schools.

As Tyler ISD’s governing body, each trustee represents one of seven single-member districts. Voters of that District elect them to serve staggered three-year terms. Board responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • To be legally responsible for the education of the children in the District;
  • To make school district policy decisions regarding Tyler ISD’s operation;
  • To provide tax monies for maintenance and operation of the schools;
  • To submit bond issues to the residents of the District;
  • To govern local school matters, subject to limitations imposed by state and federal laws;
  • To hire the superintendent as its chief administrator and executive officer.

 We are thankful to the Tyler ISD Board of Trustees for all they do to create successful student outcomes.

For more information on the Tyler ISD Board of Trustees or Board Recognition Month, please contact Jennifer Hines at 903-262-1064.