TABSE Texas Alliance of Black School Educators

Each year, the Texas Alliance of Black School Educators (TABSE) recognizes distinguished individuals who have made local and state contributions to the education of African American educators and learners.

"I received a phone call by an Executive Board Member, informing me I was the recipient of TABSE's Teacher of the Year," Tyler High Business Teacher Sharmecia Jackson said. "Words cannot explain how elated I felt to receive this coveted award. I proudly represent this state-level award for 2022!"

Assistant Principal at Palestine ISD and President of the Tyler Area Alliance of Black School Educators, Mrs. Yumesha Mosley, nominated Ms. Jackson to represent our local affiliate as TABSE's Teacher of the Year. 

"Ms. Jackson is the Tyler Area ABSE's Teacher of the Year because of her dedication to her students in and out of the classroom," Ms. Mosley said. "Her students excel in the class as well as at state competitions. She is a vital part of our organization. Her dedication and focus ensure that any event or task we complete is in the best interest of students. We were beyond excited that Ms. Jackson was chosen for this award, as she is truly deserving."

"We send a big congratulations and wish Ms. Jackson the best of luck in the next round," Tyler High CTE Department Chair Beverly Anthony added.

For more information, contact Jennifer Hines at

Accolades from Ms. Jackson's fellow teachers: 

β€œMs. Sharmecia Jackson is one of the hardest working teachers I know. She goes above and beyond at preparing interesting, engaging lessons for her students. Countless hours are spent after school for her classes and the organization for which she sponsors, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). Every year she has students compete at the state level, even going all the way to the national level. Ms. Jackson was previously John Tyler High School’s Teacher of the Year and Tyler ISD’s Secondary Teacher of the Year in 2015. She is highly deserving of TABSE’s 2022 Teacher of the Year award. Congratulations, Ms. Jackson!”

Betty George, CTE Business Instructor
Tyler High School

β€œMs. Sharmecia Jackson is The Professional among professionals and The Teacher among teachers. I can only say that she is the best. She loves her students, and she loves teaching.  Sharmecia must be reminded every day it’s time to go home because she is working to find what her students enjoy most and to find things that will be most interesting about the lessons for the students.

She loves service and teaches her students the importance of service. She is not a talker but a walker and a doer in many facets of life, especially service. I am very proud that she is my colleague and even more proud that she is my friend.

She is well deserving of the TABSE Teacher of the Year for 2022 honor. Applause and Congratulations, Ms. Jackson!”

Beverly Anthony, CTE Department Chair
Tyler High School