Artwork created by Caldwell Arts Academy student Jabryn Carston and Tyler Legacy High School student Kiymiya Lamea were selected to be part of the Texas Art Education Association's (TAEA) Youth Art Month Capitol Show.
Above artwork by Jabryn Carston
This exhibit showcases Pre-K through 12th-grade works of art from across Texas. Student art from over 80 school districts is currently displayed at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum. During March, visitors can enjoy the exhibit in person and featured on their website.
Above artwork by Kiymiya Lamea
The student and teacher achievement level evidenced in this exhibit directly reflects the Tyler ISD Fine Arts Departmentβs support of the arts.
"March is National Youth Art Month, and we are excited that two works of art created by Tyler ISD students were selected to be a part of the exhibit in Austin, TX," Director of Fine Arts Sandra Newton said. "Congratulations to the students and teachers who have achieved this honor. This honor further exemplifies the exceptional visual art programs we have in Tyler ISD."
TAEA is proud to provide avenues for children in Texas to showcase their work and promote the importance of student art within the community. The hours for the museum are Wednesday through Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and located at 1800 Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78701.
For more information, contact Jennifer Hines at