man and woman standing in front of school building

Their love story started in New Mexico when new teacher Amy Norris was assigned the classroom directly across from experienced teacher Limuel Norris. A Valentineโ€™s Day first date lead them to many more and ultimately a fulfilling marriage, raising two incredible girls and teaching hundreds of others in their classrooms.

Currently, they work not across the hall but at the same campus, Tyler Legacy High School. Mr. and Mrs. Norris are the only married couple retiring at the same time from Tyler ISD this year, and perhaps any year before. They both agreed, โ€œNow is the time, while we are still able and excited to travel the United States and beyond.โ€  A Viking cruise is on the top of the list when they close the chapter on their careers at Tyler Legacy High at the end of May.  Both Chairs of their respective departments, math, and history, arenโ€™t worried about leaving. They have assured staff and students they are in good hands with the next generation of educators filling their vacancies.