man dressed in maroon shirt and A&M hat holding a baby stands next to two college aged men wearing white shirt and pants as one of them  shakes a young boys hand

The Tyler-Smith County A&M Club recently held a successful Yell Leader event with an amazing turnout!  The event started with Event Coordinator Alaina Head, 2005 Tyler ISD graduate, welcoming everyone to the event followed by a short presentation from the current Texas A&M Yell Leaders, including Robert E. Lee (now Legacy) High School graduate Nathan Drain.

For over 100 years, the Yell Leaders have embodied the unique Aggie Spirit for which Texas A&M is so well known. The Yell Leaders are comprised of five students that are elected by the student body. They are the official spirit organization of the university and they lead Aggie fans in “yells” during athletic and other university events.

The Yell Leaders briefly discussed their history, how they were founded, and their current duties. They explained some of the traditions at Texas A&M and some of the different yells they use with the student body, along with the hand signals they use to alert the crowd at Kyle Field to which yell is next. The Leaders led the crowd in a small yell practice before spending time to meet with attendees and take pictures.   

Nathan Drain addressed the crowd at the end, thanking everyone that came. He said he knew there were future A&M students in the audience, and he wanted to make sure they knew that they were not only joining the best university in the world, but also the best family in the world. He recognized that there were several people in the audience that were not even A&M former students, but he knew they had come out to support him in his accomplishment of becoming a Yell Leader. “It means the world to me that you came out tonight to show your support,” Drain said. “I appreciate you all so much!”   

In attendance at the event were some of Nathan’s former teachers, including Karen Gardiner, who was Nathan’s 3rd & 5th  grade teacher from Andy Woods. “I distinctly remember a time when a motivational group came to speak to our students at Andy Woods,” Karen said. “After it was over, I turned to Nathan and said, ‘You could do this’ so, it does not surprise me at all that he is in this position now. He has never been afraid of a crowd, and he has a magnetic personality that draws you in when you speak to him. As a former student of Texas A&M, I completely understand and appreciate the magnitude of the position he now holds. To see someone who I know very well, achieve a lifelong goal, is so exciting and very satisfying to me.” 

(Pictured above is Karen Gardiner and Nathan, 5th grade)

Nathan is the son of Owens Elementary School teacher Holly Drain who states: 
“As a mom and teacher in Tyler ISD, I am very aware of what kind of impact we can all have on each other. I know that Nathan’s success is not just from his family alone, but from everyone in this community that touched his life. It takes a village. He had incredible teachers and coaches along the way who encouraged him to go for his dreams. As my husband Tim said, ‘It has been amazing to watch your kid’s dream come true right before your eyes.’ We are so proud of both of our sons. This event was not only a celebration for our Texas A&M family, but also for everyone in this community who poured themselves into Nathan. Your love and support for him over the years made a difference. And for that, we can’t thank you enough!”