two elementary age girls sitting on a blue stool in a new dressing room area at the school

Business partnerships can be such a blessing to our school district. Marvin United Methodist Church grants one "big wish" each school year, and the students at Bonner Elementary School had their wish come true. 

“My wish for this school year was to have clothes closets for our kiddos that may need to change clothes while they're at school,” Principal Stephanie Burns said. My vision was something super girly and boutique-ish for the girls and something a growing boy might find interesting for the boys. When I say they more than surpassed my wildest expectations... oh my gosh! On top of getting the clothes closets completed, Marvin's Vacation Bible School kiddos raised over $2500 to keep the closets supplied with clothing they knew kids would like!” 

Thank you Marvin United Methodist for your generosity!