cake decorated with purple trim, white frosting and Caldwell written on the tray holding the cake. four hot air balloon decorations are around the cake

Bethesda Health Clinic recently held its Birthday Bash Annual Fundraiser. Nine community members were given a cake to decorate using this year’s theme, Around the World in 80 Days. The decorators turned their cakes into something that is meaningful to them, the organization they represent, etc.

Bobby Markle, Caldwell Arts Academy Principal, incorporated work from his students into the masterpiece he created. The top of the cake was a design by 5th grade student Camilla Shick, while the hot air balloons around it were created by another group of Caldwell students.

"It was awesome to work with our 4th and 5th grade 3D, jewelry and fibers specialty classes as they are working to use different mediums to apply their art," Markle said. "Using weaving, branding design and paper machete shows how our artists can integrate multiple forms into one design."

Overall, the fundraiser drew some pretty incredible cakes to be auctioned off with all funds raised going to support the work done by the clinic. Markle's cake raised $13,500.00.

β€œParticipating in community events and partnering with organizations is such a great opportunity for our students work to be showcased and our school highlighted for its success,” Markle said. β€œHaving the honor to decorate a Bethesda birthday cake is really something special and it was great to share with our Stars!”

Bethesda Health Clinic is a 501c3 organization that provides a medical home to low income, working, uninsured East Texans. Since opening in 2003, the clinic has served more than 11,000 patients and completed more than 125,000 patient visits. All of this with $0 in federal or state funding. Bethesda’s efforts are funded entirely by medical volunteers, churches, individuals, and businesses.