For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is DAEP's, Mitch Rhodes. Here’s what they have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • "He's a man of Faith. He is always helpful. He enjoys helping our students." • "Mr. Rhodes always puts his staff first. He takes in consideration and is supportive of all the needs of his faculty whether it has to do with campus issues or off campus issues." • "He will always listen to you and give you a positive feedback."
over 3 years ago, Tyler ISD
Mitch Rhodes posing with candy for Boss Day.
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Three Lakes', Christopher Blake. Here’s what the Gators have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • "Mr. Blake is very approachable. He cares about his students and his staff and is usually found welcoming everyone to Three Lakes in the morning. • "Mr. Blake always makes sure that we all feel like family at Three Lakes. He holds us accountable which leads to great things happening at the school on all levels."
over 3 years ago, Tyler ISD
Christopher Blake, principal of Three Lakes Middle School posing with the Gator mascot.
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Ramey Elementary's, Mina Naranjo. Here’s what the Bees have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • “Ms. Naranjo is a good listener, always willing to give credible and professional advice and treats us with respect and kindness." • “I have learned a lot from Naranjo with different ways to approach and dig deep into data. I appreciate a fellow data nerd.” • “I appreciate that Ms. Naranjo is always accessible and quick to reply or to solve any problems that arise.” • “Ms. Naranjo is a great leader who is caring and compassionate to all Ramey Rams. She is not only a good listener but also a problem solver when needed. We are thankful to be apart of an amazing school.” • “Ms. Naranjo is always willing to find the root cause of a situation and develop a plan to take action that will help lead to results.” • “ We love how easy going and open she is. She also focuses on the main problems/issues and always finds ways to get it done/fixed.” • “We appreciate that Ms. Naranjo includes a diverse quote of the day and word of wisdom in the morning meeting. We really like that Ms. Naranjo is able to relate to what a new teacher can experience but also give goals and an outlook to become better."
over 3 years ago, Tyler ISD
Selfie of Mina Naranjo and her son.
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Owens Elementary's, Rachel Sherman. Here’s what they have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • "We love her energy! With that energy she is ready to tackle any questions, scheduling or tasks that are given to her. Mrs. Sherman takes care of all situations in a professional manner. She is innovative and creative…and FUN! She cares for the students, parents, the faculty and staff and campus improvements. We are proud to call Mrs. Sherman “Our Principal." • “Mrs. Sherman has led the staff and students of Owens to truly be the best that we can be over this past year. She pushes people to do their best because she believes in each person. She is the type of principal that you want leading your campus.” • ”I saw her using a mop in the cafe. I was deeply impressed that she did not mind helping and doing some dirty work! I thought how lucky to have a Principal that doesn’t mind pitching in.” • “There is a lot to appreciate about Mrs. Sherman! Her intelligence, knowledge of educational procedures, creativity and her love not only the students but for the faculty and staff. These are only a few of my favorite things! I am so glad that she is our Principal!” • “I love that she is always there. Mrs. Sherman is always popping into the classroom so that the children know her and are comfortable being in her presence. She answers questions immediately. I also adore how she makes the school bright with all her additions and fun for the children with her creative ideas with morning announcements, attendance, and virtual convocations, Mrs. Sherman is the best!!!” • “Mrs. Sherman holds us to high standards that reflect in our teaching, our pride for our school, and our teamwork/dedication as a unit!”
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
Collage of Rachel Sherman.
"Red Lights Mean STOP!" School bus transportation for most is the direct link between a neighborhood and the classroom. More than 25 million children ride the yellow bus every school day, and National School Bus Safety Week serves as a reminder for students, parents, teachers, and the community to keep school bus safety in the forefront. Here are tips to keep our children safe at the bus stop. • Watch out for crossing guards as they safely guide our kids to and from school. • Slow down around ALL crosswalks. • Don’t text or call while in a school zone. It’s the law. • Help us protect our kids by obeying speed limits. @NAPTHQ | #NSBSW
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Moore MST Magnet School's, Aubrey Ballard. Here’s what they have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • “I really love your passion, enthusiasm, and work ethic. I know that you work very hard and expect a lot of yourself. However, you appreciate the differences, not only in the students, but in the teachers and staff as well. Your enthusiasm is infectious, and helps anyone see that you absolutely love what you do! We appreciate you here at Moore!” • “There are so many qualities I appreciate about Mr. Ballard. I think what stands out the most to me are his encouraging words to his teachers. Whether they are written in an email or spoken over the announcements, our principal knows exactly how to make his teachers feel valued each day!” • “I'm so grateful for the support and his overall trust in my abilities. He's a unique leader in that he leads by example, praises in public, but most importantly he has trust in his team." "What I appreciate most about Mr. Ballard is how much he displays his appreciation for his team. His sense of humor reinforces the importance of balancing the relationships and business. He establishes a collaborative setting to nurture authentic thinking."
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
Aubrey Ballard wearing fake teeth and a wig at a pep rally.
Congratulations to Tyler ISD trustee Dr. Patricia Nation for earning the designation of Master Trustee from Texas Association of School Boards. The District is proud to recognize Dr. Nation for her dedication and commitment to the Tyler Independent School District. #WeAreTylerISD 🏛
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
Aaron Martinez presents Dr. Patricia Nation with her certificate of Master Trustee.
Tyler ISD Superintendent Dr. Marty Crawford presented TJC President Dr. Juan Mejia with a Texas Association of School Board (TASB) business recognition certificate as part of TASB’s Stand Up for Texas Public Schools advocacy campaign. #WeAreTylerISD 🏛
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
Dr. Marty Crawford and TJC President, Dr. Juan Mejia holding the certificate.
Congratulations to the Teacher of the Month, Ashley Green, from Caldwell Arts Academy. #WeAreTylerISD🏛
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
Ashley Green being surprised in her classroom.
Ashley Green receiving her award.
Ashley Green and admin posing with award and flowers.
Ashley Green looking at her certificate.
Tyler ISD would like to recognize the efforts of two District students of the month for October. Jacob Gutierrez, a 5th-grade student at T. J. Austin Elementary School is the Elementary Student of the Month. The Secondary Student of the Month is Saide Bernal, a 12th-grade student at Early College High School.
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
Jacob Gutierrez, a 5th-grade student at  T. J. Austin Elementary School is the Elementary Student of the Month posing with the principal and superintendent.
Saide Bernal, a 12th-grade student at Early College High School is the Secondary Student of the Month posing with the principal and superintendent.
Portrait of Saide Bernal.
Jacob getting his award.
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is CTC's, Gary Brown. Here’s what they have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • "Gary Brown is a great principal because as a teacher on hi s staff, I always feel like he values my input and wants to support us in helping students succeed! And, he also has excellent taste in music😎!" • “Mr. Brown always has a positive attitude and leadership style. He inspires staff to be the best for our students. He highly encourages innovation and creativity.” • "I appreciate him making me feel so welcome in my new career. Today he still makes his staff feel welcome and comfortable. He lets his staff know how much he appreciates the work we do. Thanks, Mr. Brown!" • "Gary Brown is a fantastic leader! He goes above and beyond to make sure his staff know how truly appreciated they are. Gary wears many hats besides principal of the CTC. He oversees many areas that contribute to successful student outcomes like Career and Technical Education and Advanced Academics. He is able to switch gears and focus on each piece to make sure our students and staff are successful in all that they do."
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
photo of Gary Brown at a PGA event
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Peete Elementary's, Cassandra Chapa. Here’s what the Wildcats have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • “Mrs. Chapa gives Peete foundation of strong leadership. She encourages every member of our school to be the best we can be! Mrs. Chapa's excitement for student's success is contagious.” • “Our mornings are led by the compass of those heels....Tak tak tak, model. Tak tak tak, support. Tak tak tak, engage. Let's have a great day!” • “A clear voice, a precise way to communicate both to the group and to individuals. Always positive, always focused, always valuing others point of view.” • “I appreciate the light Chapa brings to our campus. She's a ray of sunshine who doesn't mind jumping in any role on our campus. Mrs. Chapa is a phenomenal leader who brings the greatness out of all of us! Us Wildcats truly love her.”
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
portrait of Cassandra Chapa, Principal of Peete Elementary
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Boulter Middle School's, Vanessa Holmes. Here’s what the Vikings have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • "Mrs. Holmes is an intelligent leader. She can find the smallest detail to fix the system." • "She always makes people the priority. It makes us feel valued." • "Down to earth and very supportive; she listens to her staff and does her best to provide what’s needed to succeed." • "She keeps the main thing the main thing!" • "I enjoy working with Mrs. Holmes. She always encourages collaboration and effectively delegates to accomplish the campus goals." • "She is a woman of grace and believes in giving everyone an opportunity and supports to win." • "She is direct, yet respectful. She has a way of telling you like it is without making you feel devalued."
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
photo of Vanessa Holmes
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Bonner Elementary's, Stephanie Burns. Here’s what the Bees have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • "Mrs. Burns has an infectious attitude that inspires those around her. From her corny jokes of the day on announcements to her well-known love of Baby Yoda and Wonder Woman, she always brings a smile to our staff and students. She is an open book about everything, and honesty helps build strong relationships on campus." • "When you have a rough day, all it takes is a just a second with Mrs. Burns to remind you that you are not alone and we are a team that can get through anything. She takes her responsibility as Principal as serious as Captain Jean-Luc Picard and for that we are thankful! " • "She has not forgotten what it means to be in the classroom. - Her door is always open - She is a strong confident woman - She is always thinking about what is best for her teachers and students - She is supportive and open to new ideas - She finds ways to make connections with people and help them - She loves Star Trek and Marvel" • "Mrs. Burns is great about being open with communication. She makes it a point to be personable with each one of us. It makes the world of difference!"
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
selfie of Stephanie Burns
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Birdwell Dual Language's, Bethany Moody. Here’s what they have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • “Thank you Miss Moody for all the things you did to Birdwell, You are the heart of Birdwell." • “Thank you for being the Best Principal and you are so sweet and I love you and you keep use safe Miss Moody." • “Miss Moody always shown sincere interest and care of us as faculty members and our family, this grants her not only the principal title but making her our family member.” • “Miss Moody listens and takes every concern seriously. She is supportive and understanding of her students and staff” • “ For ALWAYS following what it is RIGHTEOUS we HONOR you."
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
selfie of Bethany Moody
The time is NOW to #VOTE Check the resources below to prepare you to cast your vote: • Be an Informed Voter ( • Vote Early ( • Voter ID Requirements ( More info:
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Austin Elementary's, Josh Currie. Here’s what the Lobos have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • “We are excited to have Mr. Currie as our leader. He starts the day with lots of energy and is always ready for the challenge. Some of the things that we appreciate about him are: He is very energetic always moving about the campus. He is down to earth and his door is always open for us to come to talk to him. He is goal-driven." • “We began the year talking about our goals and each week he reminds us of our target. He is caring and concerned about his staff and the students. He tries to make sure that we have what we need to meet the needs of the students." • “ He is very understanding. I appreciate that he takes the time to listen." • “He is a very positive person; He looks for the bright side of things. We started the positive office referrals this year and it has made a difference in some of my students." • “ He is very thoughtful and considerate of his staff. Mr. Currie is a servant Leader. He has already shown us that he is willing to work with us to ensure that we are successful."
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
selfie of Josh Currie
Tyler ISD's own José Salas Gamboa at @dixietylerisd represents his country of Costa Rica! #HispanicHeritageMonth • Flag: 🇨🇷 • Population: 5.022 million • Language: Spanish and Patwa (English creole) • Food: Gallo pinto, Caribbean rice, and beans, plantain • Sport: Futbol
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
José Salas Gamboa holding his flag of Costa Rica
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Hogg Middle School's, Dr. Kristen Walls. Here’s what the Razorbacks have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • "I appreciate Dr. Walls for truly allowing for a collaborative environment. She lets her admins take the lead in certain aspect on the campus, and we feel greatly supported by Dr. Walls." • "I am delighted to speak about our Hogg Middle School principal, Dr. Kristen Walls. We, the staff and students of Razorback Nation appreciate Dr. Walls and we are so thankful to have her as our campus leader. She is loving, caring, and genuinely compassionate to the students and staff. While she has experienced so much in her life, she has remained vigilant in her fight to make Hogg Middle School a better and more successful school. Although we are TISD’s smallest middle school, it doesn’t change the fact that we are the BEST." • "Dr. Walls—we love you and salute you for all of the great things you’re doing to make Hogg the great campus we know it is meant to be." • "Dr. Walls is one of the best principals I have ever worked with. She’s always ready to jump in and help her staff with whatever they need. She’s constantly on the move and in classrooms in order to make sure every teacher and every student have what they need to be successful." • "I appreciate that Dr. Walls is really invested in improving Hogg and taking our school to new levels. She is really invested in the student's future and is open to new ideas. I believe that she is a great leader and is willing to collaborate with her staff. I like her positive incentives like a flex day. I believe that we are on the correct path and she is leading us in the correct direction. You can tell that the culture of our school is starting to shift." • "Dr. Walls is always dependable, consistent, and proactive. She has gone above and beyond as a leader for Hogg, and everything about our campus has improved: morale is up, students are succeeding, and teachers feel valued. Someone who can do all of this in the midst of one of the most challenging years we’ve ever had, is a true leader."
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
photo of Dr. Walls holding  kangaroo
For National Principals Month, today’s spotlight is Jones Elementary's, Natasha Crain. Here’s what the Jaguars have to say about their principal. 🤗 #ThankAPrincipal • "We love Ms. Crain’s determination and ‘never give- up’ attitude." • "Ms. Crain believes in our students and our staff. She is one amazing principal! We are so thankful for her hard work and dedication."
almost 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
selfie of Natasha Crain