FINAL REMINDER: Tyler ISD Parents / Students, today is last day that the Instructional Declaration for Learn@Home or In-School Learning can be changed for the 2nd grading period in the Parent Self-Serve Portal. Visit -
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
declaration window
Tyler ISD campuses honor Patriot Day. #NeverForget
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
Flags in field
JROTC cadet guarding flags
JROTC cadets guarding flags
JROTC with flags half staff
Never Forget.
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
today we remember 09.11.01
It’s Hunger Action Day! It’s one day we encourage everyone in our community to join the @etfoodbank in the fight against hunger. To find out how you can be a hunger hero, visit
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
two children with food in backpacks from ETFB backpack program
Every year, Tyler ISD’s @jacktylerisd holds a student-led assembly on Patriot Day to honor those who lost their lives, including the school’s namesake, on September 11, 2001. See full article:
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
photo of the late Dr. Bryan C. Jack
folded usa flag in case
Dr. Bryan C Jack diploma from Graduate school
medals for Dr. Bryan C Jack
Items on the agenda we will live tweet updates for: V Continuous Improvement V-A Canvas Update V-B Enrollment Update
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
The Tyler ISD Board of Trustees will have a Workshop Meeting for 11:00 am today. #TylerISDBoardMeetings View the agenda: Follow our live Twitter thread here:
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
school board meeting
Tyler ISD Parents / Students: September 7-11 the Instructional Declaration for Learn@Home or In-School Learning can be changed for the 2nd grading period in the Parent Self-Serve Portal by visiting
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
parent declaration window, choose in school learning or learn at home
We have proud alumni teachers! #CollegeColorsDay πŸ“Έ Thanks @belltylerisd for the awesome photos! #WeAreTylerISD πŸ›
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
teachers wearing college shirts
teacher wearing Grambling shirt
teacher wearing A&M Commerce shirt
teacher wearing UT Tyler shirt
REMINDER: We will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 7th. We hope everyone had a wonderful Friday and we can't wait to see you next Tuesday! #WeAreTylerISD πŸ›
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
parent reminder
Show us your #CollegeColorsDay apparel! These two did a wonderful job supporting Texas A&M and Rochester Institute of Technology. College is one of many #SuccessfulStudentOutcomes
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
teacher and student wearing college shirts for national college colors day
Rock your college colors and apparel tomorrow, September 4th, for National College Colors Day! What school will you wear?
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
September 4 is National College Colors Day
Big thank you to the Tyler Rose, Earl Campbell, for being involved and speaking words of encouragement to our @TylerHighLions! 🦁x🌹 πŸ“Έ: @RicklanHolmes x @LionsPrideJTD
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
Ricklan Holmes and The Tyler Rose, Earl Campbell
Check out this update of Tyler Legacy’s varsity gym! Stunning! πŸ€πŸ“ΈπŸ (Photo courtesy of Cherie Jones)
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
construction update on Tyler Legacy varsity gym
roof of the Tyler Legacy’s varsity gym
The next meeting will be a Board Workshop, Thursday, September 10. Please be sure to follow our Twitter page for other district updates and news. #tylerisdboardmeetings
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
Tyler ISD Logo Icon
The backpacks come filled with nutritious, easy-to-open food that does not require stove-top cooking. Empty backpacks are returned by the students and refilled for the following weekend. @ETFoodBank distributed nearly 12k backpacks to Tyler ISD students from Aug – March 2019.
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
The Board has approved the East Texas Food Bank BackPack Program Partner Agreement. @ETFoodBank partners with schools to provide food for children who participate in free and reduced-price meal programs during the week but are at risk of going hungry on weekends and holidays.
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
East Texas Food Bank Logo
The Board has approved the Sponsorship Agreement with Group M7 and Purchase of Digital Arts Lab Equipment for Caldwell Arts Academy. @Group_M_7’s partnership provides $60k to furnish a Digital Arts Lab with 24 virtual desktops, 24 drawing tablets, and the school’s own server.
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
Caldwell Arts Academy and Group M7 Partnership with logos together
The partnership with these universities (@FortHaysState, @SFASU, @gcu) will establish professional relationships and on-site collaboration between current educators and student teachers as well as increase the Tyler ISD applicant pool with highly qualified candidates.
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
The Board has approved the Field/Clinical Teaching Experience Agreement with Grand Canyon University. Welcome @gcu, we can’t wait to work with your student teachers.
over 4 years ago, Tyler ISD
GCU Logo