woman showing teen girls how to cut hair on a mannequin
2025-2026 draft calendar
African American teen boy standing in a school hallway
Caucasian man with gray hair and beard standing in a classroom with American flag behind him
African American woman standing in a classroom
elementary age Hispanic girl standing in hallway
woman and young boys and girls sitting at a table in classroom with a paper 3-d cow on a table
woman taking picture of man and boy holding their thumbs up
School Board Meeting
men and women standing next to each other in a school hallway
teen girl sitting at a table with a spider cookie
four men standing next to each other on a stage
Caucasian bald man wearing jacket and white shirt
five people sitting behind a table with baseball jerseys on it
four teen girls and two teen boys standing next to each other in a gymnasium
two girls giving each other a high five
teen girl reading book to elementary age kids in a classroom
five elementary boys and girls holding up voter registration cards for their school
man and woman sitting behind tables
women dressed in traditional wite Hispanic dresses dancing in the street