our school



TEA Rating


Earned Campus Distinctions Out of 6


Dual Language Continues Through Middle School

Seal of Biliteracy

Granted to Students for Performance in Bilingualism and Biliteracy

High School Credit

Available in Middle School


Students Enrolled


kate standing in hallway

"We send our children to Birdwell to become global learners. Their outstanding teachers come from all over the world and provide a rigorous โ€“ but fun โ€“ educational environment. Birdwell equips our children with the skills they need to excel in our multicultural world."

- Kate Iglesias | Parent

Jessica standing near culture tree

"Coming from different ethnic backgrounds, as parents it has been a priority to make sure our children know both languages and Birdwell gives us exactly that. We love how Birdwell has become not only our school of choice but more like a family! The teachers maximize our childโ€™s potential ."

- Jessica Johnson | Parent