A class of pre k students wearing red

Bonner Elementary School in Tyler, TX is embracing the spirit of unity and friendship during "Start With Hello Week." The school's students, from Pre-K to the upper grades, have joined hands to double the fun and celebrate the importance of building connections.

During "Twin Day" at Bonner, students dressed up in pairs, donning matching outfits and sharing smiles. The school was filled with laughter as young friends became twins for the day, embodying the theme of the week: #StartWithHello.

But the excitement didn't stop there. The students also showed off their creativity by wearing their wackiest socks, adding a touch of quirkiness to the week of fun and friendship.

To kick off the festivities, The Belles, a local performance group, gave Bonner Elementary a warm welcome, setting the tone for a week dedicated to inclusion and kindness. The school community came together, pledging to make every "hello" count and to spread positivity far and wide.

"Start With Hello Week" at Bonner Elementary is not just about having fun but also about fostering a culture of connection. The students are excited to make new friends and embrace the power of kindness to build a more inclusive community. Twinning, wacky socks, and warm hellos are lighting up Bonner Elementary as they celebrate friendship in style.