Students present officer with a banner made in his honor

In a heartwarming celebration of National Law Enforcement Day on January 9, 2024, students at Bonner Elementary School expressed their deep appreciation for Officer Johnson, the dedicated School Resource Officer (SRO) playing a crucial role in ensuring their safety.

The school buzzed with excitement as students from various grades engaged in a creative endeavor to showcase their gratitude for Officer Johnson. Armed with colored markers, glitter, and an abundance of enthusiasm, the children crafted intricate cards and vibrant posters, conveying their admiration for the officer.

Officer Johnson was pleasantly surprised upon entering his office, finding it adorned with heartfelt cards and posters created by the students. Taken aback by this unexpected display of kindness, he beamed with pride and appreciation for the heartfelt recognition.

As National Law Enforcement Day unfolded, it served as a poignant reminder of the crucial role officers like Johnson play in creating a nurturing and secure educational environment at Bonner Elementary School. The genuine outpouring of gratitude from students showcased the strong bond between the school community and those dedicated to ensuring their safety. This celebration exemplifies the profound impact that positive relationships with law enforcement can have on shaping a supportive and secure educational atmosphere.