My AMAZING lunch date today! This sweet @bonnertylerisd Bee 🐝 purchased @McDonalds with the Principal from the Bonner Store! Hopefully it was $400 Bonner Bucks well spent! 🥰 #FW2 #successfulstudentoutcomes #squad
I NEVER have to stop and think about the things I'm #grateful for. I am reminded daily of my #blessings when I walk into @bonnertylerisd! 💘 #FW2 #spoiledPrincipal #nerd #StarWarsFan
One more for Wizarding Wednesday at @bonnertylerisd! 💗 #FW2 #proudPrincipal #squad #nerd #HarryPotterFan #teachersgottahavefunsometimes
It was Wizarding Wednesday at @bonnertylerisd today! I LOVE that my Bees 🐝 played along with me! #FW2 #proudPrincipal #HarryPotterFan #nerd #teachersgottahavefunsometimes #squad
AVID applications are now open!
Visit for more info
• ONLINE Application Deadline: November 20, 2020
• Virtual Interview Window: January 11 - January 22, 2021
• Status Letters: Week of February 8, 2021
Questions? Contact your school counselor!
I think this one might Bee 🐝 my favorite! #FW2 #successfulstudentoutcomes #QueenBee #squad
Our @bonnertylerisd Bees 🐝 are getting into the swing of #reading for FUN! Congratulations to 5th Gr for reading almost 500,000 words so far in just 12 wks! #FW2 #successfulstudentoutcomes #goalsetting #proudPrincipal #squad
@bonnertylerisd Bees 🐝 are the BEST parents around! #FW2 #yumyum #spoiledPrincipal #squad
Wearing our favorite book character costume @BonnerTylerISD! Say "BOO" to Drugs! #RedRibbonWeek2020 #A2D
Which one is the REAL Mrs. Burns?! #RedRibbonWeek #FW2 #QueenBee #squad #TeachersGottaHaveFunSometimes
They say mimicry is the highest form of flattery! These Bonner Bees 🐝 took on the Principal for our #RedRibbonWeek Say "BOO" to drugs costume day! #FW2 #proudPrincipal #squad #TeachersGottaHaveFunSometimes
Thank you @marvinumc for bringing a sweet treat for our teachers! #A2D #successfulstudentoutcomes
Book Character Pumpkin Decorating Contest @BonnerTylerISD #A2D #Mightybees #Successfulstudentoutcomes
I can't say it enough... I'm so beyond blessed and grateful to be a @Bonnertylerisd Bee 🐝!
Thank you Ms. @BoydVyisha and her PK Bees for making me feel like a Queen! 💗 #FW2 #spoiledPrincipal #proudPrincipal #QueenBee #blessed #squad
Have I mentioned how competitive @BonnerTylerISD Bees 🐝 are?! @mrsleftysllamas was the first to answer my @themandalorian trivia question and won this awesome mask donated by the amazing @KimPaetzel! 😍 #FW2 #nerd #StarWars #proudPrincipal #TeachersGottaHaveFunSometimes
We are READY for #RedRibbonWeek at Bonner! #FW2 #successfulstudentoutcomes #FocusedOnOurFuture #SayNoToDrugs #squad
Showing appreciation for our teachers with #perfectattendance for the 1st six weeks of school! ☕💗 Grateful to the @Starbucks staff at the Village at Cumberland Park location for helping to make this possible. #FW2 #successfulTEACHERoutcomes #communitypartners #squad
This Bonner Bee is after my heart with this Pumpkin Book Character contest entry! 😮😍 #FW2 #successfulstudentoutcomes #proudPrincipal #squad
Fifth Grade Academic Parent Teacher Team meeting tonight at Bonner! #FW2 #successfulstudentoutcomes #oneteam #datatalks. ¡Reunión Académica del Equipo de Padres y Maestros de Quinto Grado en Bonner esta noche!
Mr. Alvarado's 3rd Gr Dual Language Bees 🐝 have to work together to win the reward at the end of class by keeping aaaaall of their eyes! #FW2 #successfulstudentoutcomes #oneteam #squad