Hispanic woman wearing a white blouse with pink jacket
teacher of the year
Hispanic elementary age boy wearing a black, white and gray jacket
Flyer Mentoring Alliance After School. Beyond Childcare. Our after school programs are uniquely designed to benefit the academic, spiritual and emotional development of our children. But if you ask our kids, here's what they'll tell you: "It's fun!" Mon-Fri 3:00p.m.-6:00 p.m. Serving on-campus at Elementary schools in Tyler, Whitehouse and Bullard. Flexible Pricing. Income-based financial assistance and multi-child discounts available! Register: QR code. Scan using your mobile device in the camera application.  thementoringalliance.com (903)593-9211
Flyer Gifted and Talented One Pager. Description Project-Based Learning. In addition to our critical thinking, SEL, and STEM components, our students will work on a semester-long project that is TEK-based and real-world applicable. These projects are adapted from the Texas Performance Standards Projects and directly support the learning going on in the general ed. classroom. Description CORE+ Program. Core+ is a new service model designed for students who qualify in one area of giftedness but would not benefit from missing core content every week. These students will be pulled for a STEM activity once a month and have access to challenging enrichment content in Canvas that we call "The Hub." Description What To Look For.GT students have an internal drive to KNOW things. GT students react in big ways to small things, may have trouble changing topics and letting things go, and may get hyper focused on a topic. Their interests don’t always coincide w/ what is being taught- they seek a challenge and the opportunity to study their interests. Gifted children tend not to respond to the same rewards as high achieving students. High achievers tend to have fewer behavior problems because they are motivated by making adults happy and getting positive feedback from authority figures. High achievers are motivated by grades, pleasing adults and competition. Some gifted children are also high achievers - but not always.  Referral window 9/01 - 1/13/23. Students can be referred by a parent or teacher.
two elementary age girls sitting on a blue stool in a new dressing room area at the school
tyler ISD successful student outcomes