Cougar Connection Newsletter

A note from Mrs. Cureton:

We've had a great first 3 days of instruction! Thank you, families, for sharing your amazing kids with us each day! It has been our absolute pleasure getting to know all of our new kids and families this week. 

We are so glad you and your family have chosen Clarkston and entrusted us with your most precious gifts-your kids! 

Clarkston Spirit Night @Rose Stadium: 

Please join us as we cheer on our Tyler Legacy Red Raiders as they face the Tyler Lions on Friday, September 1st! Tyler Legacy will be on the visitors side for this game. If you wish to sit on the Legacy side, please make sure to purchase a seat on the visitors side of the stadium.  See flyer below for more details on the game as well as t-shirt purchases. Parents are asked to indicate student's name, grade, & school on the order form to ensure shirts get to the right student.

Grandfriends Day: 

Calling all grandfriends! We can't wait for you to join us for a light breakfast and craft in the library! If you have a grandfriend that would like to attend, we encourage them to come to the front office the day before to have their license scanned for quicker entry on the day of the event! See flyer below for more details. 

Campus Visitors: 

Parents/Guardians are welcome to join their student(s) during lunch times only. Any visitors to campus must enter through the front office, have a valid ID, and obtain a visitors badge to enter the building.

Arrival Procedures:

All students should enter campus through the cafeteria doors each morning. Only students and staff are allowed to enter through the cafeteria doors. Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria, and is free to all students, from 7:00am-7:45am. Any student arriving to campus after 7:50am will need to have a parent walk them in through the front entrance doors. 

Dismissal Procedures: 

Parents should complete an After-School Action Plan(with classroom teacher) so that teachers and staff have a written plan for each student.  Parents must call the front office or submit a written request for student dismissal changes by 2:30 p.m. each day. 

Students in grades pre-k, kindergarten, and first will not be allowed to dismiss as "walkers". They must have an older sibling at Clarkston to walk home with them. 

Parents may pick up their child by signing him/her out through the office (before 2:30pm).  Students will be released only to persons listed for student pick-up.  Anyone picking up a student shall be required to show valid identification.  When possible, schedule appointments during non-school times (After school, Student Holidays…)

Have a great weekend!

-Sarah Cureton


Join our amazing PTA!

Our Clarkston PTA provides resources and opportunities for learning experiences, volunteering, and just plain fun! Please consider joining by going to JOIN PTA-Horace. H. Clarkston. We love our amazing PTA and the support they provide for our Cougars!

Follow us on Facebook

We wanted to send out an advertisement about following us on Facebook @ClarkstonTylerISD! This is a great way to stay connected to the happenings here at Clarkston-pictures of our amazing students and staff as well as the weekly family newsletter are posted to our Facebok page. Please encourage family members to follow our page, as it is a great way to connect to the learning inside our building from afar!



1Kona Ice Day

4- Labor Day-no school

8- Grandfriends Day

20- Open House (5:30-6:30)  

30- Punt, Pass & Kick (Boulter Middle School)