students celebrating pi day by eating pies during math class

Before Spring Break, Mrs. Menard's 4th grade math classes celebrated Pi Day.

students celebrating pi day by eating pie during math classstudents celebrating pi day by eating pie during math class

Pi Day is an annual celebration observed on March 14th (3/14) to honor the mathematical constant Ο€ (pi), which represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Pi is an irrational number, meaning it cannot be expressed as a simple fraction, and its decimal representation continues infinitely without repeating.

students celebrating pi day by eating pie during math class

Pi Day is celebrated worldwide by mathematics enthusiasts, educators, and students, who engage in various activities, games, and challenges centered around the number Ο€. These activities may include memorizing digits of pi, baking or eating circular pies, participating in pi-themed competitions, and exploring the significance of pi in mathematics, science, and engineering. students celebrating pi day by eating pie during math classstudents celebrating pi day by eating pie during math class

Pi Day provides an opportunity to showcase the beauty and wonder of mathematics and to promote interest and appreciation for this fundamental constant.