Today, our Career and Technology Center Manufacturing teachers, Mr. Eschberger, Mrs. Hoover and Mr. Vowell, travelled with our Manufacturing Pathway students to visit Trane in Tyler. Students learned about building air conditioners, brazing and other important procedures at Trane. Students in our Manufacturing Pathway have the chance to gain TEA-approved Industry-Based Certifications such as NCCER Core Level 2, C-101 Certified Industry 4.0 Associate - Basic Operations Level 3, Certified Manufacturing Associate Level 3, and C-103 Certified Industry Associate 4.0 - Robot Systems Operations Level 4. With a state growth of 12% in the field, this pathway opens the doorway for young students to be job-ready right out of high school. For more on this pathway, please visit: Manufacturing Technology Pathway
CTC Manufacturing Field Trip to Trane
October 3, 2023