high school students stand in a boardroom with Southside on the wall behind them

Southside Bank recently hosted a Reverse JA event with Accounting I and Business Management students who attend the Tyler ISD Career & Technology Center.

Reverse JA is when Junior Achievement and Southside Bank join to host students at the main branch of Southside. Students participated in round table discussions including soft skills in the workplace, tips on interviewing for a job, communication, and conflict management skills. 

Students were led on a tour of the bank including the loan department, fraud department, project management, and the main lobby. The classes were able to go into the boardroom and sit at the table where important decisions regarding the bank are discussed and voted upon. 

After a delicious lunch, the students were honored to visit with the Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Chief Executive Officer of Southside Bank. The Q&A session included how banking works, what their jobs entail, where they began their banking career, and how long their tenure has been at the bank.

The lessons learned with this informational session are invaluable to these students who were not aware of the inner workings of the banking system.  

β€œThank you, Southside Bank, for hosting my students,” Accounting (I and II) and Business Management teacher Lezlie Boyd said. β€œThey walked away with a new respect for the banking business, a broader knowledge of skills it takes to get a job and engaging with the top people in the bank who graciously spent time answering their questions. We appreciate our partnership!”