Monday, January 8th, 2024 Mrs. Boyd's and Mrs. Billington's CTC DECA club students, along with several others from Accounting 1, Accounting 2, and Marketing, invested their time and efforts in a very meaningful community service event. Both high schools conducted a canned food drive for the food bank at the beginning of the year, so we thought it would be beneficial to the students to see what happens to the food once it is brought to the food bank. None of the students had ever been to the East Texas Food Bank, and every one of them were engaged in helping. Students were able to create enough meals in the 2 hour time span for 85 senior adults and 115+ children. It was insightful to see the details behind the scenes. It is a very interesting, rigorous and organized operation.
ETFB Mission Statement
The East Texas Food Bank exists to fight hunger and feed hope in East Texas.
ETFB Vision
Our vision is a hunger-free East Texas.
By The Numbers
- 27,096,700 β Meals provided to hungry East Texans in FY2023.
- 26 β Number of counties in East Texas we serve.
- 200 β Number of partners and feeding programs we provide food for.
- 188,530 β East Texans (including children) who are facing hunger according to Feeding America Map The Meal Gap.
- 63,260 β East Texas children who are facing hunger according to Feeding America Map The Meal Gap.
- 1 in 7 East Texans, including 1 in 5 children, are facing hunger.
- 151,000 β Approximate households that were served by the East Texas Food Bank in FY2023.
If you are interested in volunteering, please visit East Texas Food Bank