
TylerISD CTC teachers gathered for some insightful, engaging, constructive and FUN professional development at the CTC today. Among the PD options this week include some of the following:

  • Achieving Expectations Through Objectives, Success Criteria, and Formative Assessment.

  • Academic Monitoring

  • Cross Collaboration

  • Differentiation with Stations

  • Lesson Plan Alignment and Formative Assessment

  • Classroom Managment

  • Student Trust and Rapport

Our goal is to provide teachers with the following components for great teaching and great classroom culture:

1. Relevant Content:

  • Focusing on the specific skills, knowledge, and pedagogical strategies that are pertinent to CTE subjects and industries.

  • Incorporating current trends and technologies in the relevant fields.

2. Hands-On Learning:

  • Giving teachers opportunities to engage in hands-on activities that mirror the experiences their students will have.

  • Providing workshops or simulations that allow teachers to practice new skills in a safe environment.

3. Collaboration and Networking:

  • Allowing collaboration among CTE teachers from different schools or districts to share best practices and resources.

  • Creating networks that facilitate ongoing communication and support.

4. Continuous Support:

  • Ensuring that PD is not a one-time event but part of a continuous learning process with follow-up sessions.

  • Providing resources and support for teachers to implement new strategies in their classrooms.

6. Assessment and Reflection:

  • Incorporating methods for teachers to assess their own learning and the impact of new strategies on their teaching.

  • Encouraging reflection on practice and adjustments based on student outcomes.

7. Flexibility and Choice:

  • Allowing teachers to choose PD topics that are most relevant to their teaching needs and interests.

  • Providing various formats for PD (online, in-person, hybrid) to accommodate different learning preferences.

8. Focus on Student Outcomes:

  • Ensuring that PD is aligned with improving student outcomes and preparing students for successful careers.

  • Integrating strategies for assessing student skills and knowledge effectively.

By focusing on these components, our CTE teachers can enhance their teaching effectiveness and ultimately benefit their students' learning experiences.