elementary age boy wearing a red spiderman shirt stands next to a sign that says, "WHAM!"

Get ready for a heroic start to the school year! Douglas Elementary kicked off Attendance Awareness Month with a fun-filled, superhero-themed day. Students and staff were proud to wear their superhero t-shirts as they embark on a month-long mission to promote the power of attendance.

Throughout September, students will dive into activities and lessons that shine a spotlight on how crucial it is to be in school every day. The goal? To build a strong culture of attendance and remind everyone that showing up is the first step to success.

three women wearing and a young boy standing behind a sign that says, "WHAM!"Tyler ISD is excited to roll out the "Be Present, BE POWERFUL!" campaign as part of this initiative. All students from Pre-K through 12th grade who achieve perfect attendance in September will have the chance to win a special prize. It's not just about being presentβ€”it's about harnessing the power of learning, one day at a time.

Research from Attendance Works shows that regular attendance helps students feel more connected and confident in their learning journey. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Even in preschool and kindergarten, frequent absences can lead to falling behind.

  • Missing just two days a month can significantly impact reading skills.

  • Every day countsβ€”students can fall behind even with occasional absences.

  • Punctuality matters, tooβ€”being late can contribute to poor attendance.

  • Classrooms thrive when all students are present and engaged, minimizing disruptions.

Let's help our students build strong attendance habits with these simple tips:

  • Establish a consistent bedtime and morning routine.

  • Prepare clothes and pack backpacks the night before.

  • Keep your child healthy, ensuring they're up-to-date with vaccinations.

  • Schedule non-urgent appointments and trips outside of school hours.

Join us as we empower our students to embrace their inner superheroes and make September a month of strong attendance! If you'd like to attend this exciting event, please reach out to Jennifer.Hines@tylerisd.org.

four high school students wearing their cap and gowns. September is Attendance Awareness Month. Be  Present. Be Powerful