Hello Week  September 16-20 people help eachother climb mountain stickers around words with quotes spread kindness, inspire others , help others, everyone is welcome here, uplift eachother

Hello Week is a week dedicated to making new social connections and creating a sense of belonging among youth. We will celebrate by having spirit themed days.


16th - Monday: Make someone smile! "Be a Rainbow in some one else's cloud!"

17th - Tuesday: Take what you need Tuesday! Get and give encouragement and positivity! Write a note! Say something nice to someone!

18th - Wednesday: Welcome Wednesday! Wear green and Start with Hello! Lear a new way to say hello!

19th - Thursday: Reach out and connect day! Wear something that connects you to someone else! (favorite sport's team, book theme, move theme shirts) No pajamas.

20th - Friday: Superhero Day! You are someone special Let everyone see your superpower of kindness! Wear a superhero shirt!

Semana de la Amistad es una semana dedicada a crear nuevas conexiones sociales y fomentar un sentido de pertenencia entre los jΓ³venes. Celebraremos con dΓ­as temΓ‘ticos llenos de espΓ­ritu


16 - Lunes: Β‘Haz sonreΓ­r a alguien! "Β‘SΓ© un arcoΓ­ris en la nube de alguien mΓ‘s!"

17 - Martes: Β‘Martes de Toma lo que Necesites! Β‘Recibe y da Γ‘nimo y positividad! Β‘Escribe una nota! Β‘Dile algo bonito a alguien!

18 - MiΓ©rcoles: Β‘Bienvenido MiΓ©rcoles! Β‘Usa verde y empieza con un "Hola"! Β‘Aprende una nueva forma de decir hola!

19 - Jueves: Β‘DΓ­a de Conectar! Usa algo que te conecte con alguien mΓ‘s (tu equipo deportivo favorito, temΓ‘tica de libro o pelΓ­cula). No se permiten pijamas.

20 - Viernes: Β‘DΓ­a de SuperhΓ©roes! Β‘Eres alguien especial! Deja que todos vean tu superpoder de la amabilidad. Β‘Usa una camiseta de superhΓ©roe!