Douglas Elementary-2022-2023
1 Tijeras/ 1 scissors
2 cajas de Kleenex/ 2 box Kleenex
3 cajas de crayolas 24 colores/ 3 boxes of
crayons 24 count
1 caja de marcadores/1 box markers
2 botellas de pegamento/ 2 glue bottles 10 pegamento barra / 10 glue stick
1 paquete lΓ‘pices/1 pkg pencils
1 expediente Amarillo/ 1 yellow folder
2 borradores/ 2 erasers
1 jabon antibacterial/ 1 antibacterial soap 5 marcadores βdry eraseβ negros / 5 black dry erase markers
1 caja de bolsas ziplog de galon/ 1 box of ziplog bags (1 gallon)
1 caja de bolsas ziplog de ΒΌ galon/ 1 box ziplog bags (quart)
No ear buds for Kindergarten
4- boxes of crayons 24 count/colores
10- glue sticks/pegamento
3- boxes of Kleenex/cajas de kleenex
1 - 4 pack fine point black EXPO dry erase markers/ EXPO marcadores
1 - 4 pack large chisel tip black EXPO dry erase markers/ EXPO marcadores
1 - box #2 pencils (24)/caja de lΓ‘pices #2 (24)
4- spiral notebooks/cuadernos
3- pocket folders (blue, green, red) 1- pocket folder with brads (yellow)
1- box Ziploc gallon bags (BOYS)
1- container of Clorox or Lysol wipes (BOYS) 1- box Ziploc quart bags (GIRLS)
*First Grade
2 boxes of original Crayola crayons (24 count)
2 package of pencil erasers/borradores para lapices
3 packages of pencils #2 TICONDEROGA/3 paquetes de lΓ‘pices
4 boxes of kleenex
6 glue sticks/resistol de barra
2 liquid glue bottles/ 2 botellas de resistol liquido
1 Fiskars scissors (pointed)/tijeras
1 box of gallon Ziploc bags (girls only)
1 box of quart Ziploc bags (boys only)
1 package of 4 black dry erase markers/marcadores negros
1 package crayola markers
1 package large pink erasers
3 composition notebooks wide ruled
3 spiral notebooks wide ruled
2 bottles of hand sanitizer/botellas de desinfectante
1 pack of wide-ruled notebook paper/1 paquete de papel (wide ruled)
2 Clorox disinfectant wipes/ toallitas desinfectantes
1 packet of index cards (girls only)
1 packet of sticky notes (boys only)
6 pocket folders with prongs (yellow, green, red, blue, purple, and orange)
1 packet of colored pencils/lapices de color
1 set of headphones/audifonos
1 zipper pencil pouch/bolsa de lapices con zipper
1 packet of construction paper (girls only)
1 packet of manilla paper (boys only)
*Second Grade
2-1.5 inch binders with clear front pocket 1 zipper pencil pouch (no boxes)
1 pkg of 8 tab dividers
8 composition notebooks (no spirals, plain colors) 6 plastic pocket folders with brads/prongs (plain colors for folders)
12 glue sticks (no bottles)
3 pkgs TICONDEROGA pencils
2 boxes 24 count Crayola crayons
6 large pink erasers (no pencil top erasers) 1 pair of scissors
3 boxes of Kleenex
1 pkg Expo dry erase markers
1 bottle of Germ X hand sanitizer
1 box of Ziploc: girls(gallon) boys(sandwich) 1 set of earbuds
*Third Grade
2 bottles of glue
2 glue sticks
1 pkg of pens (any color) 4 large pink erasers
6 pocket PLASTIC folders with brads(at least one green and one red)
8 composition notebooks (wide ruled) 1 pkg of dry erase markers
2 boxes of map colors 2 highlighters/2 boxes Kleenex
Ziplock baggies-girls-gallon/boys-quart 1 bottles of antibacterial hand sanitizer 2 boxes of pencils (Ticonderoga)
*Fourth Grade
1 pkg wide-ruled notebook paper 1 one inch binder- with pockets
4 composition notebooks
3 spiral notebooks
4 pocket folders with brads & pocket (red, green, blue, yellow) 2 boxes of #2 Ticonderoga pencils
1 scissors
1 box of crayons
1 box of colored pencils / 1 box of markers 1 package of dry erase markers
2 highlighters
2 glue sticks
1 bottle of glue
1 pencil sharpener
1 ruler with inches and centimeters 1 protractor
1 pack of tab dividers 2 boxes Kleenex
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 pkg of Ziploc bags girls quart / boys gallon 1 supply zipper bag or box
*Fifth Grade
7 composition notebooks
7 spiral notebooks
6 pocket folders w/ prongs different colors 3 packages of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga Brand) 1 black pen
1 ruler with inches and centimeters 2 boxes Kleenex
2 bottle of white glue/6 glue sticks 1 box colored pencils
1 package of markers 1 pair of scissors
2 black sharpie
2 pkgs expo markers
1 box Ziplock baggies-girls quart size/boys gallon size 2 package of index cards
4 pkgs wide ruled paper
2 antibacterial sanitizer (girls) 1 supply box
1 -1 inch binder-white (notebook)
1 pencil sharpener
1 set of earbuds