In a heartwarming ceremony, the school community came together to celebrate the achievements of two outstanding students, Thomas Zavala and Liliana Flores, who were honored as recipients of the prestigious Rotary Club Awards. The event, attended by esteemed guests including Mrs. Standifer, our dedicated school counselor, and Ms. Ellis, the inspirational English IV teacher, was a testament to the hard work and dedication exhibited by these exceptional individuals.
Thomas Zavala, known for his unwavering commitment to academic excellence and compassionate leadership, has left an indelible mark on our school community. His exemplary performance in both academics and extracurricular activities sets a high standard for his peers, earning him the admiration and respect of both students and faculty alike.
Likewise, Liliana Flores has distinguished herself through her remarkable achievements in academics, community service, and extracurricular involvement. Her passion for social justice and advocacy shines through her actions, as she continually seeks to make a positive impact on the world around her.
Both Thomas and Liliana embody the core values of the Rotary Club: service above self, integrity, and leadership. Their dedication to academic excellence and their commitment to making a difference in the community serve as an inspiration to us all.
As we congratulate Thomas Zavala and Liliana Flores on their well-deserved recognition, let us also extend our gratitude to Mrs. Standifer and Ms. Ellis for their unwavering support and guidance. Together, they have played a pivotal role in nurturing the talents and aspirations of our students, helping them to reach their full potential and make meaningful contributions to society.