Hey, Owls! A.D.V.O.C.A.T.E. O.U.T. is excited to announce that we’re hosting the Art in Action contest, an opportunity for students to showcase their creativity while promoting an important cause. This contest is organized by the Texas School Safety Center and encourages students to express their ideas through art. πŸ”Ή What: Art in Action Contest: https://txssc.txstate.edu/about/programs/ssa/art-contest/ πŸ”Ή Who Can Participate: all students grades 6-12 πŸ”Ή How to Enter: submit your artwork by Sunday, May 25th via upload: https://forms.txssc.txstate.edu/yi/school-safety-art-contest If you need more information or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Detorriaus Howard 1073511@stu.tylerisd.org
3 days ago, Early College High School
AVID Family Night: 9th & 10th grade College & Career Fair πŸ“… Date: Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 πŸ“ Location: Careers & Technology Center (next door to ECHS) ⏰ Time: 4pm-6pm Light refreshments will be served , and we hope to see you there!
4 days ago, Early College High School
AVID Family Night: 9th & 10th grader College & Careers Fair
Black History posters and projects in honor of the month if February! Great job all!
9 days ago, Early College High School
Junior students and families, Friday, February 28th, is the deadline to apply for the Student Board of Directors at Texas Bank and Trust. Get those applications submitted! http://www.texasbankandtrust.com/applysbod
14 days ago, Early College High School
TBT poster
Junior students Haley Alvarado and Eduardo Lozano recently participated in a weekend leadership camp as part of the Rotary Youth Leadership Award.
16 days ago, Early College High School
Haley & Eduardo
Eduardo & other students
⏰ The clock is ticking! Magnet school/program applications end on March 1st! πŸŽ‡πŸ§²πŸŽ† Learn more about what we offer and apply today: https://www.tylerisd.org/page/magnet-schools
18 days ago, Tyler ISD
Caldwell Arts Academy, Birdwell, Moore MST Magnet, ECHS
Lunch with teachers, AP Euro projects and our own beautiful reaper. Another great week!
23 days ago, Early College High School
Students will have the opportunity to be trained by Nurse Jones in the Stop the Bleed training starting next week. Nurse Jones will visit PE classes starting Monday.
28 days ago, Early College High School
No school for students who attend ECHS on Mondays tomorrow. Jrs and Srs with TJC classes on Monday must go, however. You will need to find your own transportation and absences will not be excused. Have a nice night!
about 1 month ago, Early College High School
We appreciate Mrs. Standifer this and every week!
about 1 month ago, Early College High School
Say What!? Club
about 1 month ago, Early College High School
say what
Poetry Tree in English 2!
about 1 month ago, Early College High School
Repping our HBCU!
about 1 month ago, Early College High School
Hey ECHS! SOS has a valentine treat coming for you next week. You are loved!
about 1 month ago, Early College High School
SOS treat bags
SOS treat bags
Here is this week's Fun Friday episode of News from the Nest. This week we tested Dr. Thomas on how well he knows the voices of his students. 2/7 - Voice IDs with Dr. Thomas https://youtu.be/DWa-UrsFLQw
about 1 month ago, Early College High School
voice ids with Dr Thomas
This week's Fun Friday episode of News from the Nest features the trending voice ID challenge with Kinkade's advisory class. 1/31 - Voice IDs with Kinkade https://youtu.be/RVQKK0_Ndjw
about 1 month ago, Early College High School
voice id
REMINDER for JA participants: We need your signed parent permission slips turned in to Mr. Wood ASAP. Also, don't forget to pick up your teaching kits with Fatima after school on Wednesday or Thursday.
about 1 month ago, Early College High School
Look who earned District Teacher of the Month! I always believed in you Taylor Gamblin!
about 1 month ago, Early College High School
Junior Achievement REMINDER: If you received an email from Mr. Wood or Fatima as being chosen to attend our next JA trip to Caldwell Arts Academy, this is your reminder that we need your signed parent permission slip turned in to Mr. Wood by Wednesday, January 29th. If you haven't picked one up yet, they are in Mr. Wood's room #208. Make sure your are passing your classes! Also, you will receive your teaching kits next Wednesday or Thursday.
about 2 months ago, Early College High School
Congrats to our 2025 Teacher of the Year, Ms. Pam Creel!
about 2 months ago, Early College High School