The Hubbard Middle School yearbook is looking for any pictures you think could be in the yearbook. Any picture of a Hubbard Middle school student could belong! Participating in sports, school events, volunteering, hanging out together, etc: Please send those pictures to our yearbook number. The number is (727) 605-2123. Include a brief description of the picture along with the message! Go Huskies! 🧡
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
Husky Yearbook
Huskies: Please join us for our Parent Table Talk (Topic: Substance Use) on Tuesday, March 28 at 5:30 pm in the Hubbard Library. Please see attached flier. Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
The Hubbard administration has been presented with a petition with over 250 student and teacher signatures asking for a more relaxed dress code for the remainder of the school year. In addition to the petition, we have had two excellent presentations from students to the Hubbard administration outlining their rationale for the change. With that in mind, beginning on March 20, we will allow students to participate in “free dress” throughout the entire week for the foreseeable future. This will include allowing female students to wear “leggings.” Please note, leggings will need to be black or navy in color. Students in leggings that are any other color than black or navy, will be sent to ISS until a change of clothes can be provided. Should we see an increase in inappropriate clothing that does not follow the normal “free dress” guidelines (see attached), we will return to our normal Monday-Thursday dress code. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your grade level administrator. Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
dress code updates
Measuring real world angles in Mrs. Saczek's Math class! Check out how our teachers use the whole campus as a classroom! Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
Congratulations to our Husky Musicians of the Week! Jay Miles, Thanh Tran, and Kenleigh Gipson are rocking it in the music classroom! We are so proud of you 🎷🎻🎉 Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
musician of the week
Seventh grade students in Mrs. Gardner's class use "Triple play" to practice grammar. Students had to include commas, and two types of phrases. Way to apply your knowledge and skills! Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Katherine Bozick
students apply their knowledge of grammar to creation of accurate sentences
Check out our awesome Husky Signing Day professional photos by Tenton Mosely Photography! We had so many sweet 5th graders and their families come from all around Tyler to check out Hubbard and COMMIT to the GREATEST middle school in Tyler ISD! Do you see your future Husky? Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
Hubbard staff
📣 The girls cheered at the Fresh 15 for the Tyler ISD Foundation! Way to go Hubbard Cheer Squad! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
cheer team
Hubbard cheer
Hubbard cheer
7th grade AVID students peer edit each other’s descriptive essays. They were asked to focus on giving positive feedback, grammar, give suggestions and comment on sensory details, figurative language, and show not tell with their words. Amazing work! Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
AVID kids
AVID kids
AVID kids
AVID kids
Check out our 7th grade girls!!! They got 1st place in Dragon Relays 🔥 Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
7th girls
Check out our Hubbard 8th grade boys' track team! They took 1st place overall at the Nacogdoches meet! More photos will be posted on the Hubbard Facebook page (thanks to Mr. Hinojosa) Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
Hubbard track team
Congratulations to our Hubbard UIL Academic Team of 2022-23! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
Hubbard UIL team
We have such outstanding musicians here at Hubbard that are rocking it in the classroom! Congratulations to Mkynlee Kelly and Vanessa Edwards! 🎻🎷🎉🥳 Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
musicians of the week
Huskies past and present were on hand to celebrate our Hubbard Middle School Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Tina Graham, and our Rookie of the Year, Miss. Meghan Orlowski. These ladies are phenomenal educators who lead in a variety of ways on our campus. They have wonderful relationships with their students, look for opportunities to serve, are creative, kind, and most importantly, love our kids. They represent the best of Hubbard Middle School, and we are honored to have them as our campus nominees for District Teacher of the Year and Rookie of the Year! Congratulations, ladies! You are both so deserving of every accolade! Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Katherine Bozick
Hubbard middle school teacher of the year, Tina Graham, poses with her cake
hybrid middle school rookie of the year, Meghan Orlowski poses with the cake at a teacher of the year reception
campus teacher of the year and rookie of the year, Meghan Orlowski and Tina Graham pose with a cake and refreshments at the campus teacher of the year reception
Tina Graham, Hubbard middle school teacher of the year, is greeted by coworkers who have prepared kind messages for her
coworkers hold up their messages and thinks to Tina Graham, our campus teacher of the year.
table decorations for the teacher of the year reception
Cookies for our teacher of the year, Tina Graham
A beautiful flower arrangement for rookie of the year, Meghan Orlowski
A large arrangement for Tina Graham, the Hubbard middle school campus teacher of the year
refreshments and cake for the Hubbard middle school teacher of the year reception
Thankful for our awesome HMS teachers! Our staff are dedicated to learning from one another through Peer Observations and teacher-led PD! We have the best teachers and staff! Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Katherine Bozick
three math teachers get ready to do peer observations
Mrs. Allen teaches the math department about collaborative study groups
Mrs. Graham works with the math department to explore use of literature circles in reading class
Mr. Cowart shares strategies with math department for their hands-on stations.
Social studies teachers do a matching activity for professional development
Mr. Cowart's 7th grade math students explore area of trapezoids through a variety of stations. Students alternate between collaborative and independent tasks to demonstrate their understanding of the content! Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Katherine Bozick
Teacher and two students work through math problems over area of trapezoids
Three students create math models exploring area of trapezoids.
Three students work independently to complete math problems .
students work at technology station.
Mrs. Campbell's 6th grade RLA students show what they know in small groups and at the teacher table. Students read and complete work over their selection, "A Long Walk to Water." Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Katherine Bozick
Students collaborate to complete questions over their reading.
Students meet with teacher at table to review responses to test.
Three students working at their read to self station.
Students in Miss Orlowski's 6th grade RLA class work in small groups to create projects over "A Long Walk to Water." Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Katherine Bozick
teacher provides individualized instruction to students at teacher table.
students work on written assignment as part of their project
students complete written assignment over the book, a long walk to water
teacher gives individualized feedback to students at the teacher table
Hubbard SS teachers are on 🔥🔥🔥! Three classes and three teacher tables! At the teacher table, students receive targeted small-group instruction. We love these amazing educators and their kiddos! Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Katherine Bozick
teachers it’s a teacher table with two students, asking differentiated questions.
teacher sits at horseshoe table with four students, for individualized instruction.
teacher sits at teacher table with three students, going over mini lesson
Our Husky Musicians of the Week are rocking it in the classroom! They are working hard every day in our class, leading practice sessions with other students, and showing off what it means to be a Husky musician. Congratulations to Izabell Webb, Kirstyn Mack, and Braeden Grabow! Go Huskies! 🧡🐾
almost 2 years ago, Hubbard Middle School
Husky musicians of the week with their instruments