Treasure Map

Jones Elementary Presents...

STAAR NIGHT: Escape from Treasure Island

on Thursday, 30th March 5:00-6:45 PM

Please join us to receive information and resources for the upcoming STAAR tests and to participate in a grade level STAAR-like escape room challenge with your child.

Students in Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade will participate in a come and go AVID student-led conference with their home room teacher.

Please RSVP!  We will provide a complimentary dinner for all crew mates. 


5:00-5:30 PTA Meeting in Cafe

5:30-6:45 Student-led conferences with homeroom teacher


5:00-5:30 PTA Meeting in Cafe

5:30-6:00: 3-5 STAAR Presentation in Cafe


Escape Rooms
     3rd Grade - Art Room
     4th Grade - Library
     5th Grade - Science Lab (Rm 103)