Coach Marty Germany with his Legacy Teacher of the Month certificate and class in the background

Legacy's April Teacher of the Month is Coach Marty Germany!  Every student, player, and coworker who knows Coach Germany knows how deserving he is for this honor.

Here's a little information to help you get to know Coach Germany better - 

What subject(s) do you teach? US History and AP US History

Any school clubs your sponsor or teams you coach?  Head Boys Soccer Coach

How long have you been teaching?  27 years total/ 25 years at Legacy

What is your favorite thing about Legacy?  My co-workers in the history department and the absolute awesomeness of the Legacy soccer program!

Fun Fact(s)?  I'm really just a poor kid from Tyler, TX that worked hard in school and life so that I could have a great life doing a fun job like teaching and coaching!  If you want something, then work for it!

Congratulations Coach! We are so lucky to have you at Legacy!