teen boy stands at front of classroom showing presentation on big screen

The Tyler Legacy High School Investment Club is a new student offering this school year. Two students, William Barker and Grayson Bunt (both juniors) initially brought the unique idea forward to create a club to spread knowledge about investing on all levels and inspire a passion for financial understanding in students. Although this club focuses on investment, students often have speakers from all parts of the financial industry during their Tuesday afternoon meetings.

In the past semester, they have had speakers deliver talks on various topics, including investing strategies and ways to prepare for retirement as a teenager. The club is an excellent outlet for students who want to learn about investing before becoming adults and those interested in pursuing a business, economics, or entrepreneurship career.  In addition, the club has held financial planning workshops and worked toward competing at the regional level. 

โ€œThis club has been student-led and student-driven from the beginning,โ€ Tyler Legacy High School Physics teacher and Sponsor of the club Mitch Ray said. โ€œWilliam and Grayson have overseen competition in Stock Market simulations, secured guest speakers from local financial institutions, and presented on topics related to trading and investment. Their knowledge, commitment, and dedication are impressive.โ€