Tyler Legacy student who signed with Project Search with Dr. Crawford, Mr. Sherman, and Project Search rep

Tyler Legacy seniors, including Jair Egan, Colin Kato, Riley Harris, Ryan Record, Grace Tate, and D'Corey Tave, embarked on an inspiring journey this morning as they signed their work commitment certificates with Project Search or Project LINK. These programs, in partnership with Tyler ISD, Christus Trinity Mother Frances Hospital, and other local businesses, offer students a supported work training program. Through rotations in various internships within workplace settings, students are equipped for competitive and independent employment after a year.

Legacy students who signed with Project Link with Dr. Crawford, Mr. Sherman, and representatives from Project Link and Christus

Project SEARCH traces its roots back to 1996 at Cincinnati Childrenโ€™s Hospital Medical Center, where Erin Riehle envisioned training individuals with developmental disabilities for high-turnover positions. Since then, it has evolved into an international network dedicated to securing competitive employment for people with disabilities.

Legacy students signing their work committment

The signing event at Legacy's media center was a testament to community support, with teachers, friends, counselors, and local representatives cheering on the seniors. Superintendent Dr. Crawford highlighted the district's decade-long partnership with Project Search, underscoring its success.

Legacy students who signed their work committment with their friends and classmates

Abby McCarty, Tyler ISD's Special Education Coordinator of Transition and College and Career Readiness, shared insights into each student's journey and plans. The ceremony culminated in the students signing their certificates, marking the beginning of a promising chapter.

Legacy students with their certificates

As these students embark on their next steps, the Legacy community stands proud, wishing them success in their endeavors with Project Search or Project LINK. Go Raiders!

Legacy students signing for Project SearchLegacy student Riley Harris with his parentsLegacy student Colin Kato with his counselor Mr. Bircher